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Reviews for "Valthirian Arc"

not so good

y in the game u lose money cuz the value or something
but not good for the heroes

Stuck characters

This was fun. However it would have been more fun if, everytime I played a hunt quest, my characters didn't get stuck. Everytime I played one, at least one (and at my last attempt, all!) characters, got stuck on the "walls" near the water. Improve the pathing and it might work, but until then, it seems like an you have to make a lot of effort and have alot of patience to play this game.

It was lacking...

While you had a good idea. I found the game boring and trite.

Right off the second quest i clicked on was an errand quest. To my amazement i found this gave me the same, if not more xp and gold as a hunt quest while taking one fourth the time. I spent four in game months only doing errand quests and had all four of my first batch of students up to level 30, with max weapons.

What is the point of the hunt quests i ask?

The hunting quests arn't even that fun, as i ran around with my main guy I grew furious as the other three students would get caught not knowing how to walk around a one by one square lake. I mean c'mon! How difficult is it to make semi-decent AI that can go around the natural obstacles that are in almost every hunt quest level. Now, I saw that you included the "gather students" key, and when i found that out i figured it might make the game a little better. Instead i was pushing shift every five to ten seconds. What the hell? I was pushing shift almost as much as i was clicking the mouse. I ended up just doing errand missions because the hunt missions were so aggravating.

Now i really enjoyed the idea of the game, and the eight bit sprites really brought me back. But if the funnest thing in your game to do is watch the progress bar slowly go from one side to the other and then receive xp you might as well have made a waiting game full of those bars, oh wait, you basically did.

Sorry, but i was unimpressed.


Why did that girls with the rabbit animal always popup every third week. That was unnecessary. I GET IT! EVERY FOURTH WEEK I WILL BE CHECKED BY THE KING NOW, GO AWAY!

I found it quite boring.... but the voices were cute.. I guess.

There's way too much unnecessary lag for me, especially on hunt quests. It's ok, I guess.