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Reviews for "Valthirian Arc"

Enjoyable, but repetitive

The game is pretty enjoyable, and, after understanding how everything works it gets quite addictive.
The problem is, there is not much variety, only 2 battle grounds, no other action other than clicking around, and too much focus on kiting...
The characters had no real difference other than aesthetic and beeing ranged or melee, the gunsmith acts exactly the same as the sorceress...

The economy is quite simple, spamming the desired class and working it over and over and over.

The battle is quite abusable, and mostly, only winnable because of the abuse over the rivers.
Having no other choice, other than clicking on the enemy to attack continuously may look like any mmorpg out there. It's fun for the first minute, but if the game lacks any other kind of action in combat, it will get annoying soon. Beeing able to actiave spells from sorceress, triggering heals or using skills with dragoons could make the game last quite longer.
The lack of control over what the character are doing in the primary istance is the exact opposite of the heavy micromanagement that using the second stance to choose who will do what. The second stance actually makes combat fun, but, as the enemies are always the same, the music is always the same, the fields are always the same, it get's boring quick.

The achievments are a nice try, players love a long list of achievments, but almost every one of them are not very creative, and give no real sense of accomplishment.

Well, I guess that's all, it's a fun game, and a nice try... I hope Valthirian Arc 2 gets around with the elements a little more polished.


not very fun not really what i expected
ok though


pls improve the secondary characters movement, they get stuck easily, AND ITS ANOYING AS HELL when im killin a monster and then realise my party is 8 miles away!

Awsome but..

Students get stuck, ALOT. Thank god for the gather button but you will lose alot of mana wich can be crucial when you're fighting a hard mob.

I seriously almost punched my monitor.

I broke the game all the way up trying to get no penalties, made it to the twelfth month aAND THE *&$#*$ DIDNT WARN ME IT WAS THE LAST WEEK AND I DID A QUEST AND DIDNT GET THE EFFING>>D*#(@^R#(&*@FHE@UFHE:JLK