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Reviews for "Spider Powers 3"



It wasn't really all that funny

Yeah, the random thing I get, but it didn't make me even chuckle. It somehow seems unoriginal or somehow predictable even for a random movie. The art style is ok, its just the content that wasn't amusing. Maybe rethink those stories before making a flash


I realy wanted to like this one but I just didnt find it very funny.... Animation wasn't that bad, coulda used a little more color. Voise acting wasn't terrible but it left somthing to be desired. I find it funny how everybody compairs your characters to C&H. Yes they look similer but common! they look decent and they're simple to draw! lol anyways, good effort and happy animating! peace out.

good idea

but could have been executed much better. also the animating was pathetic, cannot be compared to C&H

just2pale responds:

good I don't want to be compared.

