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Reviews for "Meet Larry"

it was ok

it was pretty good. the face could have been done better, but whatever. The voice was pretty annoying because I kept thinking that rorschach was going to come out. Still nice flash, makes you think, but nothing more


That was great, it really makes you think.

Really Good

Nice powerful lil flash video. I really liked the story and how it was delivered minus the Batman voice. It worked well but I kept expecting something comical to happen because of it for whatever reason.

Sincerely didn't like it

The voice was really annoying. The story seems like taken from a bad drama movie. And the whole black & white theme wasn't well played and just looked bad, as the design and the animation did :(

film noir

it's just awesome to see that film noir hasn't died yet... people have always tried to find a definition for what film noir actually is, but now they just need to watch this movie...

great work and thanks a lot for this!