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Reviews for "Animation Kills"

i like it

i can tell that you put some real effort into this. i especially loved the walking animations.

although the end was predictable, it was still enjoyable.

high five!

Soupcat responds:

HIGH five.

Cool animation style and some nice blood effects.

I think it could have been better with some background music or a bit more sound effects, the footsteps were just bland, but thats very minor.

I love the animation style, I just wish you did a bit more with it.

Also, the blood effects were nice dude, you need some more of that ;P.

For a small quick beginner flash, this is pretty good. I think you'll get a ton better in the future.

Soupcat responds:


You are right in every way. The sounds are pretty much a failure.
I was thinking about adding a background tune...I even picked one from the Audio portal and all that jazz.
Then started on the sound effects, and I was all "perhaps this works" etc etc.
and I kept hearing the footsteps and everything over and over I couldn't tell bad from good anymore.

Overall, a nice try but the sounds messed it up. =(
I need like a personal musician or something...Or learn how to play the guitar...That would help tons.

Thx for the confroment thing with the....agh I need to sleep.


Hey man, that's an awesome movie... I liked it a lot...

The graphics are nice, the idea is nice, the movements are nice, too!!

I liked so much the criativity you gave to the character, the story is very previsible, but the end got me!
The whole animation was very well done...
I was thinking when the guy dies, because i saw some stick in blood in the little sig, but even w/ this, it surprised me!!!

You did a really great work...Keep it up!!!
(Review Request Club)

Soupcat responds:


Glad you enjoyed it... this is why I like the review request club. :3

Although some said that the ending was kinda predictive ;)
But I will take your life long experience in reviewing as an opportunity to say that those people are wrong...DEAD WRONG! Hmph.

Anyway. Thanks for the review, and the vote (??).
I will fap on your club as a token of respect.


Brutal and catchy

I'm not sure why I like this piece so much - the simplicity of the animation in itself is a great thing to look at with how the perception of the line changes in the early going. I think that you could have gone a little slower with the evolution of the sword from a whip. Perhaps have him tie a knot in the whip to make the guard and turn it into a rapier, with the swoosh noises, then stab it into the wall and draw it out as that sword, which leads on nicer.

I think that there's real promise for this piece and it's just a case of making it take that extra step, before you kill everyone off. A good use of the red, but I'd have preferred that you used more colours throughout. Maybe that's the next one - fighting with the paint palette? Still, keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more of your work :)

[Review Request Club]

Soupcat responds:

Wow more great tips! You guys really know your deal!

Ha..Fighting with the palette...That's a good one ^^

No I this was like "practice" in doing something more "pro" and I thought I'd start off simple ^^
Not too much pondering about shading/lighting and get the basic movements under the wraps...If you know what I mean.

I'll be sure to make a note out of it to use all these great tips in whatever comes next! :D

xx <3
Thanks guys, you're the best.

~ Review Request Club ~

~ Animation/Graphics ~

I like the sketchy black and white style with random colors here and there. Probably the reason why I liked Sin City so much and other things such as that. There were a few spots on his legs that didn't quite connect correctly, but that was my only fault with the animation part of the entire submission.

Graphic wise the person in the background could have been developed a little bit more like the original character, but it was almost fitting that he wasn't I guess.

~ Story/Content ~

I knew what was going to happen, but when I saw the second person I was almost thinking that the sword was almost going to hit the person in the background, but the original predictable guess was correct.

What could have really been cool was the sword hitting something that ended in a massive wave of confusion and death. The sword can hit an airplane that crashes into a building that falls into a Ferris wheel, which crushes a bunch of people making others commit suicide and, etc.., etc..., etc...

~ Audio ~

Sounds effects were great so I really don't have much to comment about here. Music was alright and voices really weren't need hence you didn't have them. Good job all around here.

~ Overall ~

Made me laugh, but it could be cool to continue with it a bit.

~ Review Request Club ~

Soupcat responds:

Wow thanks for the very thought out review!

And those are some nice tips story wise! I will keep these in mind for the future =)

And awesome you got a laugh out of it! Thats an accomplishment for me ^^

Seriously. Best. Review. Ever.

xx <3