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Reviews for "Tax Time!"

Not funny.

Seriously, this isn't funny. Sure, you do get the feeling you want to kill the IRS at times, but this is not funny.
I could almost say this is soviet propaganda, but I'd be some 20 years late.
The of course, there's the quality. Or lack thereof. If this had more work put into it, it might've been funny, but in its current state is sure as hell isn't.

Bad taste

I hate it, I don't like games based on horrible real life disasters.

What are you going to make next, one where you play as Hitler?

no way

so now we are gonna joke about a guy deciding to blow up a building with a plane? I thought the last time that happened, the whole nation went into a state of mourning. (yes I know this one wasn't as bad but still, really people?)

This is not funny

Do you think the man who drove the plane into the building was sane at that time? The economy is bad and this guy was having money problems. He was stressed. Stress tends to cause people to get mad and when there is an unmanageable amount of stress, people can go insane. This man was likely slightly autistic and it probably never affected him until he broke under pressure so it is likely not diagnosed.

So why can't temporary insanity be funny? Temporary insanity is not fun and that is why. Are you afraid to work too hard because you might go insane and kill somebody? Sometimes I am because I have gone insane. I threw something at somebody who was asking me why I was crying. I got closer to killing somebody than I have ever wanted to that day. If you are insane, you can exert no logic into your actions; you have no control. Few people have had to experience this, but if they have, they would agree with me because it is a traumatic experience.

I am insulted.


So now I'm supposed to like games about people who, in real life, burn their house down then crash their plane into a government building.
Its offensive, really.
Soon we can games about people who crash planes into buildings in NY.