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Reviews for "Little Thing"

I've seen this somewhere before...

...I think we all know where.

Still, was okay


Come on man. This is literally just a reskinning of Company of Myself.

To sum it up...

A game that is similar to another can still be successful, however, this is why your's is not;

Company of myself - Little Thing

Graphics Exactly the same- soft 2D

Storyline Exactly the same- Lonely male who seeks friendship
ironically discovers that he can make doubles of himself.

Music Exactly the same- Piano, played with with a sad emotion feel to it.

In game objects The grass and the ground shapes and colours are the same the colours of everything are the same.

Emotional feel, Leaves playing thoughtful - leaves player feeling frustrated

I could carry on but what I'm trying to get is that yes, many others copy games, but they add stuff, change things create a storyline, when a game is similar they follow the same genre, then they have a similar style and concept. they don't do everything exactly the same.

It's like taking Sonic the hedgehog and all you've changed is the fact it's now a squirrel instead of a hedgehog.

Oh and don't go giving me crap saying that only "business games make money or games with sponsorship and adverts.... No they don't! in fact I hate games that do that, it's why I play games on this site, some of the best games are found here where they have been made by users just like you, have had an idea of their own....

I'm not trying to be hurtful to you, I'm trying to make a point and hope that you take it in.

I suggest you make another game that has a similar concept of creating replicas, but think of a storyline, add stuff to it, I can see you have game building skills, but you've been lazy and created a game that at the time was great.

P.s. I've gave it ten stars because I think it's the only way you'll notice this as you've probably taken to ignoring 0's now....

No, No, And More No's.

I'm not gonna say what's been said seven billion times about this being a rip-off. If you wanted to make a game LIKE The Company of Myself, go ahead, but this was hardly like it at all. What seriously ticked me off about this was how weak the story was and how it was introduced, not to mention unoriginal. And please, never, EVER resort to the logic of, 'You haven't made anything better so you can't judge me!". That basically just admits that you didn't do so good yourself, and instead of correcting your mistake, you chose to lash out at those who saw them. If you are really set on this game, I would suggest that you work harder on all aspects of the game before releasing it next time.

Don't be discouraged

Your game is going to get some criticism, don't give up I liked it quite a bit. It was easy enough to complete in one sitting which i like =) . it wasn't easy and your puzzles made me try the level in several different ways to get them acomplished. Sure the graphics aren't the best but lets get serious nothing on nintendos was when they first started either hang in there your doing great =3!