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Reviews for "Pokemon: Fated Battle"


Scizor is my all time FAVORITE pokemon., and you just mad him look very BAD-ASS! Just for taht i give you 10!


I can't believe how mind-blowing that was. xD The action sequences, sound effects were holy-freaking impressive, even the Pokemon cries themselves sounded so convincing, it's like you were actually standing their on the sidelines going "Holy Sh-t, I better get the f-ck out of the way. O_O" All of it was just pure epic!

It's been such a long time since I've come across a serious epic Pokemon fanflanimation like this. This literally got me at the edge of my seat. Bravo, mister Tyrant, bravo. =)


Dude graphic-awesome Moves-Great....theres nothing you could improve on, all thumbs up for that vid, i even watched it again. Brillian job overall

After watching this...

I can never imagine a Pokemon battle the same way again. You have reignited my childhood. After about a week after seeing this (was before I FINALLY registered), I actually started playing my Pokemon games again. I'm totally pumped for your next submission, Pokemon or not. Your DBZ-inspired flash is epically awesome!

entertaining :D

The only complaint that I have is that there isn't any solid winner at the end :P CLIFFHANGER?!?!?!?! hahaha xD
this was quite fun to watch all in all :)