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Reviews for "Toxie Radd 2"

Kinda fun.

Not bad, but there are some issues. Mainly in the difficulty department. I found that after the first level I could afford the chainsaw which in turn made combat VERY easy. Not that it really was hard to begin with. Though, I will admit not being able to move while meleeing did cause problems. I do think theres some glitches still.. Like the only time I died I couldn't use the shotgun I had purchased in that level until after I cleared the first wave of enemies. Or when I had my rocket launcher equipped I couldn't gain more ammo for it unless I had another gun equiped. Also, I think more enemies should of had melee attacks at least in the first few stages.

Also, the waves of zombies were kind of small unless you were at the end of a level. While the enemies got stronger, they never really came out in numbers that would be a threat even if I waited around for them. Which is sad since fighting the waves was fun.

Speaking of which, a survival mode or something might be fun. And perhaps add indoor levels or something in the next game. This one was kinda a bit too linear for my tastes. Traveling from the bottom of the screen to the top while waiting to kill all the zombies felt kind of dull. It might be a bit more interesting to have ammo or weapons scattered in the level and require exploration to find while zombies swarm you or something.

Anyways, overall its not too bad.

Xplored responds:

Good criticism and propositive comments.
We'll take them in consideration for TR3.


This was very enjoying and agree the best zombie shooter in Newgrounds cant wait for the 3rd installment....but it was a bit to short! here are somethings maybe we can expect from the 3rd one.

1.walk and melee(not the first to comment)
2.Make it a bit longer but not to long.
3.more challenging.
4.far more upgrades and a variety of weapons as well.
5.a level where you shoot drive run over zombies
6.also maybe allow the character to use his 'DISEASE" as an attribute

Xplored responds:

1. we are projecting it
2. ok, but consider many people like to accomplish a game in a reasonable spare time. When we did longer games, players voted lower also 'cause they needed to much time to finish it and get their final prize. Also, a longer flashgame risks to become too much repetitive. Anyway, we'll study the way to do it longer.
3. ok
4. yeah
5. ...
6. good point.
7. follow us and you'll get it!

Great Game

It actually bugged out on me, unless I missed something. But it was right after i'd beaten the 3rd boss. Even though I cleared the level, and I had the arrow telling me to move on, it wouldn't let me go to the next level. I was kinda bummed out because I really had a good time with this game. It's not too challenging, but that just makes for mindless fun, and I enjoy mindless fun.
If it wouldn't have been for the fact that I couldn't continue, I probably could have played this for another hour or so.
Good work.

cool game

nice GTA like style

Awesome game.

This was an awesome game, running around and shooting, huge mobs, all the great things in a zombie game. One of the most important things for me was that no weapon got replaced (on the fire arm side), this is a important thing for me. I don't like saving lots of money and buying a weapon then buying a diffrent one and finding it completly makes the last one obsolete in every way.

Even in later levels, I was still using all the weapons (except the pistol). shotgun for large/close mobs, flame for farther, larger mobs and in multiple directions, gatling for bosses/ almost any other situation, rocket for bosses/compact strong mobs.

Here are some things that would be helpful in another game.
changed melee effects, standing in one place to swing at one enemy was very ineffective against monsters who attack from long range, and your range with the swing was very small. I only used it on medics, for thier lack of a long range attack. Being able to use it while moving, and maybe a longer/more defined reach would help.

Other then this, This is an amazing game, I loved every second of it, moving up to enemies and shooting them at point blank, the aiming system was awesome, bosses were amazing. I hope to see the next one soon!

Xplored responds:

Maaaany Thanks!
Melee attack in movement is a good point.
See you on TR3.