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Reviews for "Time (The Milkman_Dan Finale)"

Nice title, but i regret...

not listening to more of your songs in the past :)
I truly like this piece very much.
The guitar add in the end was prolly the best idea
and i know i would never have thought of doing
that. It intesifies it in a gentle way.
What i liked better was the fast piano arpeggios
(or fast scale runs, w/e they were). they were
awesome and amazingly executed.

i hope u come back soon
and possibly make another song lol
i wish you all the luck in ur future goals
whether it be musical or not.
I will miss ur songs evn tho i wasnt really too
fond of you.

take it easy,
and have a good life

Musically, WinterWind...

MilkMan-Dan responds:

Hi Winterwind,

I don't ever know if u read my replies. But hopefully this one you do.

I'm sorry to hear you were never fond of me. My only guess as to why... would be... that I've been over-rated and hanging around on the top charts where you and I truly know you deserve 100000 times more than me.

You are seriously... such a professional and perfected artist. Who truly will go soooo far with all your music.

Please anyone reading this... if you haven't listened to Winterwinds music... you need too... it is possibly the best stuff on Newgrounds.

I know you won't believe me... but I put the fast arpeggios in this piece to try and prove to you that I have a degree of talent, perhaps this time worthy of the top of the charts. I'm glad you noted them.

Whenever someone has compared me to you... or placed me and you in the same caetgory... I've always told them the truth. I don't know half of what you know... I have perhaps half the talent.

My only regret... is never collabing with you :). That woulda been amazing.

Thankyou sir
Your biggest Fan

Simply Great

Every single aspect of this song is beautiful. You should really be SO proud of yourself. The only problem I had with this song is that there were too many false endings. You know, where you think the song is over but then it is not? Oh well. You did a pretty damn good job buddy.

I know my stuff isn't quite as good as yours, but I would be happy if you gave it a look-over.



I am a fan of your music.
It is truly emotional and inspiring.
It echoes in my head perfectly, you have a lot of talent.


This was nice. I'm sad to see you go. I like your stuff. It just truly made my day to hear this. Peace, my man.

Very impressive.

I found this piece particularly inspiring. The piano in particular was very elegantly done and the strings were well implemented. The drums fitted the piece perfectly.

The only reason I am not giving it a 10 is that I think the guitar part at the end is a bit cliche and could have been done better. To elaborate, bits of the guitar seemed off beat (3:40). Also, the ending note seemed slightly off (only my opinion of course) and I think it should be cut off a note before.

Criticisms aside, I congratulate you on such a successful piece and hope you are not serious about it being your 'Final Piece'.

Good luck with music in the future, 100'