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Reviews for "Forever Samurai"

Overall I liked it

I love the art work. I have to say that this was beautifully done. Very fluid and visually impressive. Now I didn't like the drawn combat system. It seemed that when I tried to do a normal attack I would be dashing halfway across the screen. The enemies were fun to fight but I wish that you had more than five different types (I'm including the final boss and the oni's). It was kinda short with only three levels but I think that the spacing was good and provided a nice pause in combat. The upgrade system was ok and took multipul play throughs to max it out.

Overall it is a very good game that will occupy about 2-3min. The gameplay, while challenging, is fun, and to unlock all the most powerful attacks you will need to play through a few times.

If you were to update this I would suggest adding more levels, make the final boss harder, and add an optional play style that used the keyboard.

acrazycanadian responds:

2-3 minutes? You're fast! Or was that a typo?

I'll keep your suggestions in mind.

Love it

You gotta get props for the giant 3D dragon or watever thing in the backround. =D

acrazycanadian responds:

It's based primarily on the Shisa, a gaurdian dog in japanese mythology, with characteristics of a tiger mixed in. Lots of people think it's a dragon, though, and I'm cool with that. Glad you liked it.


It was a bit fun, but I just didn't see the need or purpose to kill all enemies in my way. I didn't have enough XP to buy one upgrade because I ran past all of them, using speed attacks to move forward. Especially on the boss, I used speed attacks, although it did take forever to kill him, it wasn't at all hard and only lost one life trying to kill him without any upgrades.
Took 414 seconds.

Still fun though, but I figured this kind of knowledge might help ya in the future.

acrazycanadian responds:

I figure if you want to skip everything, that's your loss, really. Kind of made the game more difficult for yourself ;) But I bet you had fun cheating the system, right?


Iam going to start off by saying that this game was very enjoyable. The gameplay was quite exspansive but the controls were a mess. I had a hard time performing the special attacks. The aerial combat was my favourite. Anyone who loves aerial combat like myself will love this game. This game really makes you feel like a ninja when playing. This game would have gotten a better review from me if there were some more weapons. Maybe a bow and some arrows. Or even a spear. When i played this game i expected blood but was dissapointed. When your sliving someone to a bloody plate of sushi shouldent there be blood? The graphics could have been better. Overall this game was enjoyable to play. So you should keep up the good work.

acrazycanadian responds:

The enemies are all robots, so that's why they spark and explode instead of bleed. More weapons is certainly a good idea, though.

Nice job

Well, other than the fact that when you're attacking, it's really hard to control your movement, and the enemies can do cheap shots while you're in your unbreakable attack phase, and the Dragon Booster Nostalgia animation, the game was really good.

acrazycanadian responds:

The trick is to link together your special and regular attacks. Every attack has some way of combo'ing into others, so you never actually have to stop at all. That's pretty advanced stuff, though.