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Reviews for "Battalion: Ghosts"

good even though its that ds game

pretty cool, i cant skip enemy turn though
other than that pretty good

Just finished on hard.

It's a good game, but I understand that it's not for everyone. (specifically, Legitblock-his doesn't seem to be here anymore, but I read his whining yesterday and only am writing my review right now after finishing the game). Yes, it's not realistic. But you can say that with basically all games in general.

Personally, the best reviewers to trust are those who can actually enjoy a genre of game, and then critique on what was good and what needs fixing.

Anyway, there are some nice features. There's red shadowing around your move cursor to indicate the future attack range of your long distance attackers. Colored icons on enemies that could potentially hurt your forces the next turn. (don't see that in games like Advance Wars)

I only played on Hard Mode, which basically gives all of the enemy units an attack and defense advantage.

It's good that all units (with the exception of the infantry) remain useful.

Being able to use Stealth tanks in the campaign is the standout feature. It adds a whole new level of tactics. I find that the best use for them is defensive, rather than offensive-to hold chokepoints where only one unit can get across at a time or to place them in a row that can only be approached from one direction to completely stall enemy advances.

Finding ways to defeat turrets was one of the best challenges to overcome. In no stages did I feel they were abusively placed as an invincible wall.

Now for the bad.

Infantry is fodder in this game and unnecessary to build at all. (So it can intercept stealth tanks? So what?) It's primarily a mechanical unit-only game, primarily because there's not much to capture anyway (unlike in Advance Wars, where they play a better role).

Although you have AI that is somewhat decent, it still has flaws. Even on hard, the A.I does some pretty dubious moves. Yes, move your bombers right into my flak tank's range. Yes, mass bombers on chapters 8 through 10 so I can get out some Raptors and pick em off.

Enemy Warmachines and factories also tend to pump out streams of useless infantry soldiers when their ore runs low. Warmachines should go after resource patches and then create a better quality unit or two. In Chapter 8, the normal factories should wait for more income.

Case in point here: I was in a tight squeeze on Chapter 8 (hard mode). I managed to annihilate the entire enemy navy and air force, but at the cost of virtually all of my forces except for the two tanks that start on transports, a battle cruiser, a corvette, and my war factory with a handful of resources and transported to the left side. (I foolishly let the other get bombed by a Condor)

If the computer had only built just 1 more U-boat and used it in conjunction with its ground defense force to hunt my lone battlecruiser I would have been screwed. But the enemy didn't, and I managed to maintain my spearhead and began a raid up the left side and won.

In Chapter 10-it squandered money on primarily Condors. They would certainly would have been fatal if the player doesn't achieve naval superiority quick enough and then builds raptors. (Those 5 U-boats preset on the level, on the other hand caused the most misery to my forces in a chapter by far.)

By the way, you placed one one of the enemy Warmachines on the right bridge within firing range of two corvettes' starting points. Any player would take that trade-off any day.

There was also the issue of massive slowdown on Chapter 10-even when all the units have been killed and all.

Lastly, that ending ***OBVIOUS SPOILERS***.

What a load of crap after going against all of those guys on that challenging Chapter 10 hard mode. I was like "What? All those units I just killed with an inferior fighting force and I haven't even dented the Federation's war effort?" I really felt cheated-it should have been a victory for the Akadians. I was hoping that Tucker was really overestimating himself and underestimating Hayne, but nah. He's painted as the picture perfect general.


fun for a while hell Repetitive!!! good game tho for a while.


Copy cat of Advance War. Interesting so far.

Needs a help file.

It's, objectively, a good game. It needs a help file because I can't figure out why the enemy's raptors happen to one-shot mine, but when I do it to them they lose 3 blocks of health. I don't know, is that a bug? I haven't played advance wars so I just don't know. There's a quick help but it basically tells you everything obvious. It's a genuinely good game that constantly makes me think, but I just don't know the best strategies for situations like these. Boot camp hardly helps, explaining litterally nothing about stealth in the stealth mission. :/