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Reviews for "Short: Old Lady"

I liked the sense of humor, but couldn't give...

...it much for effort. :-/ Humor was great, very appropriately inappropriate and satirical. 10/10 for that, but the animation was kinda' low-end. Fine if that's what u like, though. After all, it -is- ur flick. Right? :-)

Wolfenheim responds:

and, i dont know if you saw, i did say im well aware its shoddy


It had potential but it failed with all the random.

i don't get

why every ppl think this is funny i didn't laught at all

not good but not bad

not much more to say

Wolfenheim responds:

well, i guess your score accurately reflects your opinion, which is nice

unfair : (

there is nothing wrong with this flash, it was a good concept and made me smile but the amount of effort you put into it wasn't befitting of the score it had. The animation was bad, the voice-overs were bad and the comedy was O.K.

I think the only thing i have a problem with in this flash is that you clearly put little effort into it and yet you get good such a score when there are people who put months into their work and make a masterpiece and yet they only get a little higher than you.

As far as you go, you just need to spend more time on each project, spend more time coming up with jokes and more time drawing and animating. However, i think the people who give reviews and vote on the score shouldn't be so narrow minded and should consider what the flash deserves for how good it is, not give it a 10 and a 5 because they liked it a bit.