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Reviews for "Versus The Halloween"


Started a little silly... Then it got really cool. Brilliant character design on... the Halloween?
But the ending... I'm not sure what to make of that nonsense.


I always like your fluid animation, but you lose a star for taking the obvious "Newgrounds" route on that ending.


Awesome movie, some great anime,kitty,pumpkin,penis shit always gets my nipples hard. Great animation style (even though their mouths creeped me out). Fluid like animation and the perfect music to match the situation as well. This would have been a 8 if it wasnt for that kickass ending. I did not expect that.



Sir, you ending's sudden jolt in the direction it took was most enjoyable and had me exhailing in a rapid pace, it made me lol on the floor and it deserved the award it recived, good job sir i look forwade to your next piece

lol, this was hilarious.

had u not made the ending that way, this movie would get a lower submission and score. The action was right, the music was right, the timing of the animation with the music was done perfectly, and the animation and pointless plot was awesome. u deserve this score. I dont care who says otherwise. 10/10 keep up teh gud werk!