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Reviews for "Max Connect"

The is a different type pf game.

I like the levels and it was very challengen at some points but the only rising why i give you an 8 was becasue of the controls with the arrows keys didnt work that well for me .


Difficult and addicting


this game is sooo cash!
brilliant! brilliant! brillian!
cheers mate!

Additive and hard!

This is a very difficult game, but alo very relaxing and addicting, due to the soothing music and graphics. I also like how you don't have to rush. You can just sit back and think about it naturally. I look forward to a sequel!


Really great concept. Aggrivating because some levels are kind of hard, but I imagine that that is a good thing. Music gets irritating after awhile. Perhaps add a button that will mute only music and not all the sound?