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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"

I got to tell you

From someone who played Exmortis 1 & 2, Read every little piece of notes, books, and really followed the story, nearly shit himself when the ghost came at me in the vent, and had countless nightmares from Exmortis 2, I will defiantly pay for this game. I cried after I read the journal entries of how his parents were trapped in LA. If I can get someone to do the clicking for me and I can watch with my eyes covered. Hehehe. I just really wonder how the streets of LA and other major cities would have looked like...

But you DEFIANTLY DESERVE TO SELL THIS GAME. Seriously. I didn't even know you were making a 3rd, had you been more vocal, I'm sure you would make a lot more money, and not only that (cause your an awsum guy and dont want to make a fortune off this) but I'm sure you'd get less of a backlash from the angry long time fans. Like me, except the angry part.

This is by far my favorite game/interactive movie series in the world. It is also one of the most immersive stories that once you start thinking, you can't stop, yet everytime you click the mouse, you have a hard time keeping your eyes open!

With the amount of story you put into these, they could well make a blockbuster movie. I think Shaun Connery would make a good character, even though he is hell of an old guy. Haha. Seriously, Good Luck in the future, if you decide to continue this series, I'll be there supporting and buying the future product, If not, Good Luck in your future projects.

Btw, about 3 1/2 years ago I tried adding you on msn to tell you how great a job you did.

Damn... you... character... limit...

A truly fine piece of Flash development

Well done Ben, a really great game. Fantastic production values and really well paced. The difficulty progression is really good and I think the Free version that you've uploaded is in itself much bigger and better than most of the games you see here.

Should people buy the full version? Well it's up to them really, no one is forcing anyone to do anything here.

Should game developers charge for games? I think more Flash game developers should charge, because then we'd see more money going into the industry and we'd see game developers earning a living rather than scrabbling around trying to make ends meet and the production values would get even better.

I really don't understand some people. They have no problem buying a DVD that they buy once and no problem overpaying for rubbish pizza, but they don't want to get their wallet out and help a game developer who is providing them with hours of entertainment (I really I mean days for this game) for only $20.

Anyway, rant over!.

Great work Ben and you deserve the kind comments you are receiving.


You deserve to sell this game. Its time you made some money from your talents. People here just are mad, because they only reason they play games here on newgrounds, is because they dont like paying for games XD

Did I miss $omething?

I absolutely love what you've done!!! ... ;however, pay-to-play? Once again I'm inundated with Chicago politics. Should'a told me months ago :: no problem ; find out the *hard way* :: I'm a bit sour. Either way I'm definitely entertained at the moment, will pay for the full verstion eventually, and keep it up = I won't expect anything less :) (Like my Dad always says, "All you gotta do, Jen, is give me fair warning.")

LefflerWebDesign responds:

Cheers Jen. There seems to be a lot of hate on here because people are having issue with the fact that it costs money to make a game like this. I've been pulling 60-80 hour weeks for a year on this project, and without the backing of 3rd Sense on this project - the odds are Exmortis 3 would never exist.

I should also retort in saying that I have made it abundantly clear for the past year through the Exmortis dev blog and through posts here on NG that there would be a free version (what you see here on Newgrounds) and there would be a full version (available from Fizzy.com) I really don't know how much clearer I could have been on that... :)

A fine magnum opus

A fitting end to an exciting trilogy,all Ben's hallmarks of production, sound design and artwork shine here. Hours of gameplay, puzzles ans secrets to unlock.

As usual it astounds me to read the posts here by the forum trolls. Last time I checked, Newgrounds motto was "everything by everyone" ... not "ONLY FREE GAMES DUDE OMFG WTF"

Rating a game down because you feel like you're "owed" something by a developer is weak. The length of the free component of the game is considerably larger than most games ported here, most of you are flaming the game without even playing through.

What needs to be understood is productions of this quality take many months to build. You're happy to pay a fwe bucks for a throwaway hamburger and a beer, what's the problem with paying some cash to reward the fruits of an indie developer's labour?

The answer is simple. You like the game and want more, it's available to you. You don't? Close the browser and move on.

At any rate, there will always be freeloaders who think the world owes them something - this most vocal of audiences are as mean as they are tight fisted, and not worth losing sleep over.

Kudos on a game well developed, may it bring you success.