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Reviews for "Paranormal Creatures"


I can tell that you thought alot about every aspect of this character and how his body would respond to the environment & the situation. You took into account that it was dark and illustrated dilated pupils. You were able to tell a story using body language alone, and I am highly impressed. He didn't need to say "This monster is so strong," or "What is this thing?" or say anything when he was at the ambulance. You made it possible to almost get inside your character's head. We could tell alot by his breathing patterns and facial expressions. Don't get me wrong I have seen many great flash artist, but few have been so incredibly professional at telling a story without saying a sing word.

Larty responds:

An excellent review! This will help me a lot in my future movies.

I now realise that I could have easily voice-acted the character to speak his thoughts and had some sort of cheesy monologue at the end, but from the very start I knew that a silent protagonist would make more of an impact. Somehow it never occurred to me during the making of this movie, the idea just came to me naturally. Maybe I'm good with storytelling like this.

But wait, the character DOES speak in this movie: he kind of muttered "What was that?" :)

Dude i knowed it!

I thout i was the only one that belives in scary stuff,well not monsters but,ghots yes,because in Spain a car crashed and people died and,it was by a woman in pajamas

Just Curious...

Of all your choices, why a Chupracabra? I mean, it was a scary flash, especially for your first one. But...a Chupracabra?

I liked it.

The creature itself reminded me of the chupacabra. I also liked the fact that this didn't nessecarily need a bunch of extra fluff. It would make a great series too!

Overall great, your animating skills need polish.

The use of music and the music itself was pretty good. Not the best but it was alright. Honestly the artwork was pretty good you have a pretty good realistic drawing style.

However the comments really got my hopes up like i would actually be freaked out. From the start of the animation till the end. all i could really think was "wow this is so cheesy"

It's not that the artwork was bad. It's that the animation felt cheesy. He just slides around everywhere everything has a set turning point in which it spins around. It didn't flow naturally. in my opinion it just looked incredibly cheesy. It just looked like you stuck pivots on everything and had a ball with it. Maybe try some frame by frame work and put some real effort into it drawing all the movements. all the movement would flow better and you already have the art skills to do it. So what's stopping you?

I give it a 8(personally) for the great use of music and art skills. But the animation really brought it down for me.

Since it's your first flash however. Nothing more then a 10 for you.
Hope to see better things from you later in the years. We all know you have the skills to do so.

Good luck!
p.s. I'd like to clarify that the animation doesn't move horribly as far as newground flash's go. I just know you can do better.