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Reviews for "Castle Quest"

Rather repetative

But it looked nice. Random enemy spawns and a few bosses at the end of some levels makes a really boring game. But I admit it's graphics are decent. It wasn't challenging at all, just spam a few skills and you beat anything.

To improve, you could add a stat system every level up. For example you have strength for more damage, intellegence for more energy etc. Plus, the skill system was rather unbalanced where you had to put 5 points in the health regeneration to get to the next tier.

I also unlocked the secret character with the code axis. But I'm not sure if you have to beat the game to unlock him.

Overall a decent game. 7/10

so much good work for a sub-par game

it's a real shame. you obviously have a wonderful talent for sound, music, design, and artwork. everything was beautiful.

structurally, the skill tree was very smooth. the stats done really nice and also fair.

it's just too bad this game was not good. it was very repetitive and offered no real challenge. you need to partner with someone who can develop this game conceptually. they can add what is missing, because you obviously have the ability.

anyway, im sure you will get better and better. keep up the good work.

good ,but cold be far away better

imean, the game is cool, standar graphics but it has nothing new and the combat phisicas are rally lame plus we walk on just a lame simgle platform all the game. look it would be better whit:

multiple platforms and a non linear field( i know it is fucking hard but it is also awesome,but will cam make a good game without )

better combat system (this one is just lame, you go on the enemis and hit hit hit use some skill and puff he is dead, there is no that combo felling and the enemys behave all the same , i mean you coold add thing suck as running and dash and running strikes and a standart combo ,you know, little fighter style pretty fun)

make it so he wil level up slowly but when he level up he gets like 5 talent points(its better this way since its kind of boring chose everytime one skill to put anywhere)

make the kill organisation better. what about one tab just whit passive skill other whit offencive and another one whit defencive ones? at least i like this way :)

i could go like writing a book about it but is up to you, best luck on your games ;)!

i'll vote 6 here but 5/5 there, i want mre people to play it and give you a nice feedback !


play better but i love the concept

Not enough.

I like the graphic design of the characters and enemies. I even like the level design and the interface idea. Although I will suggest a different group of buttons aside from 123456, or in fact allow players to assign their attacks to their own buttons. Especially when the case is that I only have four fingers, and they don't naturally span 6 keys. It actually feels awkward. QWE,ASD would've been a more suitable choice in my opinion.

The levels were far too basic and for a side scrolling platformer, there just wasn't enough in the level design to make it interesting. No jumps, no different platform heights, no collectibles, NOTHING. It's just one direction, and endless attacking with no diversity whatsoever. After 2 or so levels, it becomes utterly boring. The level design needs more diversity. It needs more ideas. Not just one plane of attack and movement.

The skill tree was very good. I liked the skills very much and how they balanced out on the defensive/offensive idea. It brought a good element of skill choice into the game, whether to go all out offensive or all out defensive or try and find a balance between the two.

The levels were short and repetitive, and so were the enemies. They just had more life but their abilities and attack patterns were similar. There's no skill required in this game, and it's not a button masher either. It's just empty. The boss fights were the only interesting bit because at least they had some challenge to them.

There's not enough in this game to call it 'action-packed'. It clearly isn't. But the design and the skill management and idea is enough to warrant this a second attempt.