All I'm seeing from these games is that the developer is more obsessed with the violence than actually making a decent game, like all those XBOX war games. Apparently, violence sells. People have to stop taking advantage of that, or the 2125 stories will be happening on earth in a matter of years, just with humans on both sides...
Secondly, I've been wondering if the author of these games actually went through to check for errors, like explotion instead of explosion (every game! WTF), prparing instead of preparing... The big question is, how have they gone unnoticed for so long? Hmph.
I do have to say this, though - Violence is fun, and only teh femaelz can attempt to deny it - 10/10 on the violence. Writing capability of a 7 year old... Jeez, man! Learn how to spell EXPLOSION, at least! =P