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Reviews for "B-Gone"

This flash, so emotional and sad, it was Beautiful

I feel sorry for those clocks who have died. In fact, I have faith in the clocks that I have met here, even the ones like Turdclock, RubeeClock, RedKidneyBeanClock, CrustClock, and the rest. And I don't think that the flash B should and will never be Blammed from this site ever. JonBro, with your creative mind and such, you have shown us what would have happened if B would never exist into this world. So, in other words, I think that this flash is so emotional and has a good message. It reminds me of what Octocat did. My God, thank you. Also...............
HAPPY CLOCKDAY JonBro! :D Long Live the Clock Crew and StrawberryClock and You too! :)

- JojoMon

JonBro responds:

Heh, I know it won't get blammed. I was just playing around with the idea of what would happen if it did.

Happy Clock Day to you too good sir!


Great menu. The graphics were also very good, what with the 3D effects used. While a sad submission, it's also great at showing the importance of B. Overall, a very good Clock Day submission.

Happy Clock Day!

~ Z


btw what is B? i'll admit it im a noob to newgrounds

B must not die

B must live on


so the newgrounds cannon is to blam things?