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Reviews for "Night On Clock Mountain"

One of the greatest uses of a classic ending ever

Happy Clockday, mon ami. Brilliant flash (which I inexplicably watched in its entirety) I hope this gets front page!

AbsintheClock responds:

I look forward to seeing your movie today!

Quite nice, sir

I liked the bending of singular lines to create shapes in certain parts. The first "half" really reminds me of the opening for some cool Halloween special or something. And the last "half," well... I've always been in love with... him. Great job overall. {{{}}}

AbsintheClock responds:

I am glad you enjoyed the movie. I look forward to seeing your work today sir!

Great movie!

Needs ghosts though :' (

AbsintheClock responds:

Second scene it was a ghost of BananaClock just before Golden comes out.

A twisted ale from beyond the spirit world

Sir, you have pushed the boundary of the human process of mind-thought. The themes and topics explored in this particular extract of culture have been until now been laid dormant but your shameless interest in the nature of artistic exploration has dug up images that will frighten and shock even the most stony mind, forcing it to reassess all around it. This creation is a magnificent curiosity that shall be present in conversations for years to come. Well done sir.

AbsintheClock responds:

I am providence!

Unbelievably unbelievable

Just when everyone thought that gag was dead and gone, you dug up its grave, took it to your lab, and fitted it with cyborg limbs and a laser cannon.

AbsintheClock responds: