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Reviews for "Wizard Defense"


I like it how the spells,upgrades,and monsters were.But the only thing i didnt like was i thought it was a tower defense but i still like it.Also i didnt lke how there were 4 openings caause that makes it too hard if you have a problem with one row of monsters then more monsters come from other lines.But Very Good Game and a Creative idea

Almost, but not quite there yet

The game is good, but needs fine tuning. Certain spells (Nova Blast, Easter Strike) are must haves and later levels are not even able to be attempted without them and other spells(Rain of Fire, Meteor) are complete wastes. In the case of Rain of Fire the spell doesn't bring enough damage to warrant one of the 4 spell slots, Meteor is a spell you need to aim with and it's damage again doesn't warrant it taking up the limit break slot. This isn't a case of the good spells being too powerful, because without their current state the game wouldn't be beatable. Spells that deal just damage need to deal amazing damage to compete with the spells that deal good damage with an awesome secondary effect (Nova Blast).

That gets to the next thing keeping the game from being a 10, the creep variations. Flying + Vanishing creeps are a pain that at lower levels you can handle easily enough. However once you get to around mission 28, these things become almost the exclusive source of village damage. This is due to a combination of spawn locations, pathing routes, or what else is already up on the map. On mission 31 a great example of this pops up. Diabolic Spectres spawn at the lower right corner and fly straight for the villiage. If you do not kill them as soon as they spawn due to whatever reason, they're going to leak and hit the villiage. Add in on that same mission the Flare Foxes from the north route, you're going to run out of abilities to stop this speedy combination and take damage no matter how well you're playing.

Bad playing shouldn't be rewarded, but good playing shouldn't be punished either, and thats where the main source of frustration comes from in the later missions. Stuff is going to get by no matter how well you handle it.

All in all this is a really good game, much better than the majority of things on this site. But like I originally said, its almost there and needs some balancing.

Quickie tips for those struggling with the basics:
-Mix up the initial elements. Don't min/max into one elemental tree right away.
-Extra charges on an ability is better than extra damage early on.
-Nova Blast, Easter Strike, Lightning Spear, these become your best friend later on due to their status effects.
-Maxed out Fireball and Lightning Strike make for good boss killers due to high top end damage, plenty of charges, and quick refresh times.
-You can use secondary effects on elemental immune creeps (ie. Easter Strike on a Golem boss. This also applies to creeps that are phased out with Vanish.

Good game, BUT

It may cause problems with the gameplay because past levels it becomes too hard, and i found glithes: when you launch the rocks fast it launches +1 rock, when
you launch ice attack it doesnt end...
But good game i like it.

Well Thought Out

Some people are complaining about balance. I had issues on my first run, but I began to experiment and once you find a few secrets it's very beatable. I beat it with only 5 monsters sneaking in and I probably could've got them with a little more focus.

Strategy to Win: Go with 2 builds: three 1st level magic w/ Rock 2nd and two 1st level w/ Rock 2nd and Ice 2nd. Either Ice or Rock 3rd (usually Ice). You can beat the entire game with this.

Now some spells do suck. 1st Fire isn't needed till late and it's 2nd is useless. I found no use beyond overkill in level 35 for Fire/Lighting 3rd. Lightning 2nd is just usually over powered by other spells.

The Rock 2nd is AMAZING. Get to max stay and min rest and use it to hold bosses down while you spike the other. The trick of the game is to use stun, slow, and this to give you the time needed to win.

I found myself having to think a lot hich is good for a tower def. I never really went auto pilot and bored.

Fixes: Better/More sound track...bit weak on loop. Typo issues in dialogue. Buff Fire and Lightning 2nd and 3rd. They need it! Restart option. I want to be able to try the level again with money refunded if i fail or simply sometimes i forget to throw in a new spell and have to hope i saved. Also offer info on how much dmg weakness gives.

Good game though.


i found this game really gud, got quite hard really quickly though. i think if u could buy health etc it would make the game a bit better