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Reviews for "Wizard Defense"


i like the game but since you cant heal your village you will just die later on in the game no matter how good you are

Very close to being awesome..

This is a pretty good defense game. At first glance the game is too simple, then at second glance it's amazing, but once you study it, it kind of falls apart because of balance issues.

For people having trouble with the game: you want to use Easter Attack and Lightning Spear, and upgrade how frequently you can use them. Avoid fire spells, and make sure you kill at least two of the first group of Cerberus enemies you meet so you have the money to survive the next few levels.

What makes this game good is how the abilities interact with each other. That the vanished enemies can still be effected by abilities is brilliant, and it leads to great strategy. Also, the variation of elements sometimes requires a change in your spell book, which makes upgrading decisions interesting. Unfortunately, there are no dangerous enemies that resist Thunder, which reinforces that already very powerful tree of spells.

The Easter Attack is WAY too good. The enemy stopping ability is so good I often used it against enemies that resisted Earth attacks; unlike every other spell in the game, it stops even the enemies it can't hurt, and it stops them longer than any other ability in the game. On top of that, it's a area effect attack which deals the most damage of any normal spell!

I think the area effect ice attack should slow opponents for a lot longer than it does. Since stopping the enemies is strategically better than slowing them down, slowing effects need to in the long run delay them more than a stun does. I know the stun effects don't always work while the slowing effects do, but by the middle of the game you cast so many instances of the lightning spells that anyone you target WILL be stunned.

The fire spells need help. Fire rain isn't any good until you get it highly upgraded, and even then the meteor attack is the hardest to use of the ultimate spells, making the game hard if you use both fire spells. Fireball isn't necessarily bad, but since it's harder to hit your intended opponent with it than with any other spell and it doesn't stun or slow, it should really deal more damage than the other spells. Especially since there are so many fire resistant enemies out there.

Fire rain didn't have an animation for me. I think that is a bug.

I suggest finding a native English speaker to help you with grammar. When you make a game, send the text to someone and let them send back to you the grammatically correct versions.

Again, with a few minor changes this game could go from good to great. Thanks for making it, and good luck in your next games!

cold be better

it need improving!

need balancing on the spells.lvl 1 spell upgrated are far more powerfull than lvl 2!

and you should draw a better fild and make more nice effects. and turns the spell more interactive...not just clik somewhere...something like aiming the firefall or make the tunder take some time to charge, so we would need to calculate the time till the enemy enter that spot where the thunder will damage hin! and things like that...
or make fun things like:using a fire meteor skill =. you select it. then a big circle showing where it will hit show up ...you clik where you want it to fall, then she starts charging it...for like 3 secs then she is free to do anything, but the meteor will only fall in 10 secs.
would be fun being like that.

anyway good luck improving it ;)!

Well Thought Out

Some people are complaining about balance. I had issues on my first run, but I began to experiment and once you find a few secrets it's very beatable. I beat it with only 5 monsters sneaking in and I probably could've got them with a little more focus.

Strategy to Win: Go with 2 builds: three 1st level magic w/ Rock 2nd and two 1st level w/ Rock 2nd and Ice 2nd. Either Ice or Rock 3rd (usually Ice). You can beat the entire game with this.

Now some spells do suck. 1st Fire isn't needed till late and it's 2nd is useless. I found no use beyond overkill in level 35 for Fire/Lighting 3rd. Lightning 2nd is just usually over powered by other spells.

The Rock 2nd is AMAZING. Get to max stay and min rest and use it to hold bosses down while you spike the other. The trick of the game is to use stun, slow, and this to give you the time needed to win.

I found myself having to think a lot hich is good for a tower def. I never really went auto pilot and bored.

Fixes: Better/More sound track...bit weak on loop. Typo issues in dialogue. Buff Fire and Lightning 2nd and 3rd. They need it! Restart option. I want to be able to try the level again with money refunded if i fail or simply sometimes i forget to throw in a new spell and have to hope i saved. Also offer info on how much dmg weakness gives.

Good game though.

You made this too difficult but had the right idea. Thank you!