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Reviews for "Shoot Smiley"

Well since you spent so long on it...

Maybe you can put a score counter, life, and music it it, then maybe it will pass.

JXYEAH responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I couldn't figure out how to do score though...

good for a first

This is a good flash pretty interesting, but if you really want a good game you need a scoring system. and an ENDING. For this to have been a really successful flash it would need both of these things. Try Again and it could be alot better.


This game gets boring really quickly.

JXYEAH responds:

I agree it does, thanks for commenting anyway


you did a good job on this, but i've played a game similar to this not long ago, and like yours it wasn't finished, or at least was never ending, and had little to no practical value in the current form it was in.

again, i think you did a good job on it, and it probably was good practice, but i'd scrap its present form.


JXYEAH responds:

Thanks, everyone has their own opinion

No point

No story, no scoring system, no lives, no challenge, nothing.

JXYEAH responds:

Thanks for reviewing