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Reviews for "Rollball"


yuck this game is disgusting, horrible controls, music not all that great (thank god for mute button) doesn't give much of a story or anything at all besides the fact that you need to get to the target you can't stop or change direction smoothly and has horrible graphics. Please unless you honestly don't have anything better to do (which i'm sure you do) don't play this game it is totally not recommended!


It needs checkpoints, shadows, better 3D, smoother controls, and a changing background. Then you would be able to play it without throwing your monitor on the floor.

Annoying as hell

I hate giving games bad reviews because I know how much time and effort goes into their making, and I feel that this game was totally deserving of the review it got.

Now, so I don't come off as a total bitch: One, the controls were NUTS. It was so hard to control the ball with the arrow keys. Two, the music was so annoying I wanted to scream. First game I've ever had to mute on here.

Three, what's with the camera? I could barely see 5 inches in front of me, and I couldn't tell where I was supposed to go. I'd be rolling along, nice as you please and suddenly I'm falling through space because there's no ground in front of me.

In short, if you make another game, don't make it like this one.

Come on

You can't seriously not have noticed when the game randomly lags and you fall through the platforms.

fastgames responds:

You probably need a better video card.

Terrible- Avoid like the bloody plague.

By Poseridon's Trident, this game is awful. Glitchy as hell, bad dimensions, music more annoying than the theme to Bloody "Pumpkinhead: Bloodwing's Revenge" this game is more like a bad game for the Sega Dreamcast than something that one would actually play. It reminds me somewhat of "Starroads" in the sense that jumps are bleedin' impossible to make and WOULD SOMEBODY SHUT THAT BLOODY MUSIC OFF?! God it sounds like my cat stepping on the synthesizer hitting the loop button and then took a shit. The sound effect for the jump isn't much better considering it was lifted directly from Fancy-pants Adventure. Earlier I mentioned mad dimensions. Well, considering I was floating on *bloody air* I would say those dimensions are bad. Also, you have to hit space to start the level; not that the game mentioned that or anything. Bad physics as well: how does a running jump make you jump higher than, say, standing still and jumping. Earlier I compared this to Starroads ( GO PLAY THAT). Well, Starroads didn't suck. The view was nice for one thing, able to see what's coming up and all, but *no* that's not bad enough for this game so you get a angled view leaning more towards a right angle more than a 180 degree one. Star roads the jumping was challenging because it was made challenging, not because the game is glitchy with you hitting the top of the crate *an entire space before the crate.* And I suppose it moved that from other areas because you will occasionally fall through a god damned platform. If I were to be asked to say one good thing about the game it would have to be "It made me go out and hunt Starroads" This game I see is unsalvagable, with sounds lifted from my hell and Fancy Pants adventure, sprites which appear to be lifted from the Escape Pod from EVE online, a view angle from sonic 3D, and what appear to be sun panels from my neighbour's roof. The one star is from the fact that it started out promising, one level of promise. In my honest opinion this game is crap, pure and simple. Nothing about it is fun in anyway and if you like it you must have your head stuck so far up you own arse it come back out through the mouth. Not worth your time nor mine.