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Reviews for "Combo Execution"

nice flow to the animation!

Good music, decent animation, and the sound effects are well-timed!

My only complaint is how small it is when watching it. Maybe making it bigger and adding more details to the characters would help (although the red scarf was already a really nice touch!)

Nice one, I hope to see more fighting and action movies from you.

Great Sequence Execution!

Unoriginal but very well done...


The animation is really smooth, but dude, calm down with the WAshinnnnnng noises, it does not make things more dramatic/actiony/cool, just really loud and annoying

Tentionmaru responds:

thanks for the rev. I recently got my hands on some new sound effects (most of these animations were made before that) so I'll have a better variety next time.


Very well animated. Did you make this on Pivit stick animator?

Even so, it kind of went on for a while, and it would've been much better if the other stick figures actually put up a fight instead of being just pummeled. 7/10 and 4/5.

Tentionmaru responds:

thanks man. I used flash, and I'm not too sure pivot could pull off effects like this anyway. I explained why the stick are just getting pummeled by one guy in my author comments. lol, guess I need to make a fair fight next time eh?


another one of those stickmen animations grow up...
any way good animating but next time why don't you try somthing more than just a stickmen