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Reviews for "Phage Wars 2"

Great game, but a bit too easy

I beat the entire game straight through without losing once, and only a couple times did I feel there was even a chance I could lose. In fact toward the end I was basically invincible and the challenge was gone. I'm no elite gamer so I know that means the experience was probably similarly lacking in challenge for quite a few other people. For that reason I think I'd recommend some way to adjust the difficulty. But maybe instead of just a boring out of place difficulty setting, you could make it more believable by integrating it into the very slick PC-based interface you setup for the game's "plot". Or maybe you could setup optional challenge levels. For example, I think it'd be interesting if the AI allied against you after, say, the first 30 seconds in a level. Or if you could tell a discernable difference between one AI and another, such as one having very high defense but weak attack and the other having strong attack but very slow speed. It felt like all of the enemies I battled were too similar.

I was also looking for a way to go to that competition once I was invited by email at what I think was the end of the game, but I guess that's just your way of transitioning into the next game and I wasn't supposed to be able to attend?

Lastly, I saw absolutely no way to max out all my specs. The best I could do was max out strength, defense, and reproduction and leave speed and agility to suffer... not that I found either one particularly necessary... especially toward the later levels when so many of the cells gave a high speed attribute anyway.

Hopefully you find some of the above helpful in designing the sequel.

oo yeh ozzy game maker pride :D

ha really nice work mate. The only thing was that it got a bit too easy after a bit, and I had no speed just strength and rep probably was an unfair advantage or something that slipped through. Would be cool if in the next version there were less levels but each one goes for longer or something. Anyway really great idea and the way you have set it out and themed it even better.

Awsome but too easy

The whole game is awesome ! At the beginning i didnt understand how to play it (im not the biggest friend of readMe's and Tutorials) but then i made all the levels without losing 1 time

Upgrade fo sho!

man I never thought i'd be so obsessed with the conquest of cells!

Very well done

Seeing as I am a biology major i guess i could be bias to this game lol But i found the interface concepts and graphics very accurate and fun!

I do think though as you advance the game starts becoming to easy. Basically since the computer takes one or two cells at a time and then pauses for a few seconds its very easy for me to simply click away at the remaining unoccupied cells and have them produce more viruses for me. If you made the AI faster it would probably make the game more challenging. That and set it to take certain cells with priority - for example in some stages i knew that if i caught the cancer cells or the bacteria i had basically won the stage. If you set it so that the AI gave catching these cells the highest priority and did so even if it had to spread its numbers thing (because thats basically what i did during the start of each stage - mind you my virus had no spd, just str, def, and repro) then it would be a lot more interesting.

Also adding an online component if you can would be amazing.

Very good game, i hope to see phage wars 3 out soon!