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Reviews for "The Foyle"


the wall can only be upgrade once,no time to upgrade after going to the next level,quite repetive and alot of bugs

Good Try

This game is lacking in many ways.
1. if you have 15 survivors with you, why don't they search the base while you fight
2. The turret on the vehicle is useless, unless it is supposed to just spin back and forth doing nothing
3. I had about 30 of each weapon by the end, and i didn't have weapon number 8
4. The 2 survivors that actually help you can't even hold a laser or tesla
5. once you have 2 survivors, give them miniguns and you don't even have to look at your screen, they will mow down your enemies
6. By the 3rd location i had so much ammo that i didn't have to worry about half my bullets missing
7. WAY to easy, i never had ANYTHING even come close to my wall

Now that the bad things are out of the way, heres a few good things you did
1. I like the way you go look for weapon and they're not just given to you after the fight
2. The night/day lighting concept is gold, about the only thing that made the game harder
3. The ability to choose what gun survivors get, although limited (see above), is very good
4. Reload time and overheat very well thought of.
5. Graphics are very good and i didn't get any lag playing it

All in all, a good very basic defend your base game but nothing really new. Something to play when your bored but has absolutely 0 replay value.

Not so good

I dont get it, you give the person two weopons to start with, one is crappy, the other is good, then bullets fall to the ground, wtf! And the worst is that bullets you shoot take a long time to hit the target, but bullets travel faster tthan sound! In that small distance there should be no time difference! Overall, kind off bad.

old concept

the idea behind the game style is rather old, non the less i do like this types of games, toh new weapons are found rather slowly. surviovers affer 2 it rather gets pointless, if they breach the wall where they will start killing em your pretty much death your self allready anyways. Third 1 for the jeep never mind, he will just move the gun as said previos in 90 degreese angle non stop fire anime is on hem fireing other way and all in all im sure he actuly aint doing anything but be just a annoying moveing thing in the side of your screen. Ammo for betetr and actuly more usefull weapons is dropt not enough... and rifle ammo keeps droping trow out the game, even toh from 3th map onwards rifle is pretty much useless.

game play isnt all that great, there to many bugs and issus going on.
Grahicly its acutly oke, not the best but still good.
but its gets pretty borring realy fast no new guns fast enough and waves of mobs just get more and so now and than in 2 or so maps a new mob gets added wich in all doesnt realy chance a thing.

ps walls are rather crappy at some point i figert im gone take a smoke so didnt do anything with my 2 guys with shotguns and with in 30 seconds a few mobs where at wall and broke trow in a few seconds, honostly i wasnt at all upset i was death and game was over caus at they end it was realy dull

The game does still need some tweeking and work but im sure when surten issus get resolft and some things added they game might do quit well.

Insect shooting flash. Graphics are okay but could use more razzle dazzle. Gameplay would benefit from more weapon variety and attacks.