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Reviews for "The Foyle"

Last Stand Ripoff

All this was to me was a Last Stand ripoff. This would have been a solid game if you tried to be better than Last stand, rather than just making a half-assed copy with more...realish graphics.
The good...well, it wasn't much, but I like the style of game, it is good.
The bad...is many. First thing that bothered me was the fact that there was no hit detection on the scorpions. You could not tell that they were getting hit...at least with the "wolf" thing there was blood when you hit them. Make the scorpions bleed their greenish blood when you hit them.
Give more time to explore, along with more things to explore.
Make the animations a little more exciting...instead of step step step...it could be step, flinch, step....I don't know, it was just so boring to watch. I didn't really have to pay much attention because it was so easy.

Well, hope you make more, and I also hope you try a little harder next time
Good job otherwise.

it is fun but...

it is fun to play but still you could have done it in better way. I guess

Good, but flawed

It has too many bugs to be enjoyable. Great idea and concept but I mean, there are just so mny bugs, to name a few major ones:

Humvee gunner doesn't work
Can't give soldiers lazer or flamer
After a while searching gave me just jackhammer ammo
Upgrade wall icon/button disapeared
Upgrading wall fixes it

Many more. Also it requires no skill, and is boring after five minutes as all you down is hold down fire


I liked the graphics and i liked the story. However you dont have enough ammunition. You cant find any survivors and the guns have very short clips or dont have enough ammunition. I cant believe that you created a game that was awesome and then totally mucked up on the game play, SORT IT OUT or your game/s wont be too popular in the near future!!!

Good Try

This game is lacking in many ways.
1. if you have 15 survivors with you, why don't they search the base while you fight
2. The turret on the vehicle is useless, unless it is supposed to just spin back and forth doing nothing
3. I had about 30 of each weapon by the end, and i didn't have weapon number 8
4. The 2 survivors that actually help you can't even hold a laser or tesla
5. once you have 2 survivors, give them miniguns and you don't even have to look at your screen, they will mow down your enemies
6. By the 3rd location i had so much ammo that i didn't have to worry about half my bullets missing
7. WAY to easy, i never had ANYTHING even come close to my wall

Now that the bad things are out of the way, heres a few good things you did
1. I like the way you go look for weapon and they're not just given to you after the fight
2. The night/day lighting concept is gold, about the only thing that made the game harder
3. The ability to choose what gun survivors get, although limited (see above), is very good
4. Reload time and overheat very well thought of.
5. Graphics are very good and i didn't get any lag playing it

All in all, a good very basic defend your base game but nothing really new. Something to play when your bored but has absolutely 0 replay value.