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Reviews for "The Paper Prince"

i loved the story

dont listen to loofawash you clearly painted a great picture and storyline you could possibly make a number 2 having him make like a paper plane love note to the girl also i might be anal about this but you know he opens up his suitcase the first time and then you see his accomplishment board try to get more detailed with that and try to write some stuff on the blank papers on his board to me that seemed a little rushed but you asked even for the little things not that im trying to be mean or anything im more of a full detail person i don't really like it when animators leave stuff blank cause to me its like they ran out of ideas or just got lazy and i realized you probably did work hard on this so i just wanted to make it clear i wasn't making fun of you or anything in fact you could add something funny to the blank pages like a picture of him admireing that girl while shes next to her boyfriend or something like that anyway good job you have a different animation style that i like so it's not bad otherwise great animation hope you make a sequel

ernest-aka-gooey responds:

Ahaha ok ok I will change that up.
I did want to do that board in better detail but for that thing... it was just that I got lazy. And the thing is is that is an excellent suggestion 'cause it's something that I can easily change.

Well I'm living something similar to that.

I work in a depressing job and I do origami during an spare time I have.
So I'm giving 10/10 for realism and because it was brilliant.

Very nice

When I was watching this I thought I was seeing someone's thesis film for their senior year in college. For you to be 18 and already dishing out quality that many college seniors can't achieve on their own is remarkable. You'll do fine. You're only crime is that the story is pretty average story for a professional short film.
I'm very confident you will get an award for this. Submit to as many film festivals as you can!

My only request if you are going to pursue animation as a career: Realize not many will have already exercised animation on their own when you enter a college and will take a while to learn what you have already. Be helpful and available to you're peers, You have a lot to offer :3

Totally Awesome

With the dream bit, I thought it was a represenatation of rock, paper, scissors with him being paper obviously. I enjoyed the douche bag at the start who opened his door and then the same douche who had "stolen" the paper prince's crush. The facial expressions were just perfect and set at the right moment, the movie itself moved along quite nicely, and the whole thing about quiting work was absolutely awesome. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll get in the top three if not first or second.

It's a 10, but you wanted the little details...

First of all-WOW-GJ.

Little details-
1. Add more time for the graduation picture at the end.
2. In the beginning scenes, make your lines a tad thicker so it doesn't look like chicken scratch.
3. Personally, I don't think it needs music, it's perfect where it is. The silence and Sound FX of your characters keeps me/audience glued to the screen.
4. The dream-A little confusing, but all dreams are. Cool drawings, that's a plus.
5. I suggest you zoom in on the oragami's that he has in the suitcase-this is a tiny detail.
6. After those tips I gave above, don't do anymore to it, or you'll worry yourself in your sleep.

A lot of mystery stirred within me when I tried to figure out what was going to happen, what the climax was. This is a great movie for a film festival-Great idea.
You're on my fav's. Congrats and GL. 10/10