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Reviews for "Warsaw"


Szczere gratulacje. To ci się udało :)tylko popraw angielski
This is good. Greetings from Lower Silesia.

hmmmm Co by ci tu powiedziec :)

Ok... the movie is nice but the contrast is... well it leaves me with the "so what?" feeling. Think of something better. Liked the animation tho ;)

A teraz po polskiemu - popraw swoj angielski, i wymysl cos... no nie wiem... poprostu jak ogladalem to mi na mysl przyszlo tylko pytanie " i co z tego?"

Wierze ze napewno cos wiecej mozesz wymyslic :)

Hashii responds:

Z angielskim sie na razie wstrzymam ;P chociaz wiem, ze kiepsko z nim. Jezeli chodzi o myslenie, to jak najbardziej da sie cos oryginalniejszego wykrzesac.
Nie chodzilo mi o same kontrasty - jezeli tego nie widac, to niedobrze dla mnie.
Osobiscie, im dluzej patrze na te animacje tym bardziej mi sie nie podoba, ale to u mnie normalne :D

i don't get what the hell this means

but it made me smile

Pretty good

I like the way you drew all those buildings and the fact that it is both polished and set up atmosphere is a thing of beauty.

You have a lot of potential to take this site by storm and this first submission is better than so many higher scoring movies.

The subtitles were a nice addition since i'am an english speaking person.

I don't understand the situation in the polish cities so i don't know what your satirizing but i love it none the less because it is so artistic.


Hashii responds:

Thank You :)