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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited Issue2"


In the first mission, seriously, when does it fucking end? It goes on for fucking ever!

And you don't even start with all your health, which makes it that much more impossible. Those fucking exploding thingies will take out like 40% of the health you have. There are like 5 or 6 enemies on the screen at once, and it's just impossible to win.


this game is awful! I dont even know why it got on the front page! Its either to easy or to hard, >:( at first when the tutorial started i thought, oh its time to have some fun and beat the crap out of demons with my sword :D! but then i actually started the game, and it was IMPOSSIBLE to kill monsters with upclose attacks seeing how every time you got hit you got knocked back and they did more damage than you did! in the end i found my self standing back shooting at them! just standing there, seeing how the enemies move like a slug! Arent games supposed to be fun!? >:( its not fun to get killed 50 times trying to actually get "style points"! And its also not fun standing in one spot shooting at monsters with auto lock on!! What the hell where you thinking! I also found a glitch where you appear outside of the screen. Personally i think you should make the monsters easier to kill. i couldn't even get past the 1st level! just make the monsters easier to kill, maybe put in more things that you can buy, make allot of the potions cost less. I just dont find any fun in this sorry for such a downer review just i got a little crazy over this game, trying to beet that 1st level!

Anyways i suppose it could have potential but, if you do make sequel PLEASE make it easier. You might have been aiming for a challenge but i think you over did it. :), this IS just my opinion

with truth and sincerity



It's like DMC... except pretty much ripped off and with a story I don't feel like hearing about.
Where to start... I only really played the first level so maybe it suddenly gets better in the next whatever many levels but it was too painful to really keep going. All the fighting was pretty much knocking enemies into the air and hitting D over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. trying anything else would involve getting hit because of your ridiculous slowness and huge pauses in between ground attacks... and enemies on the ground randomly ignore you hitting straight through them and hit you anyway... taking off a full fucking THIRD of your health and don't get me started on the retarded exploding enemies that grab you in the middle of whatever the fuck you're doing and explode, often doing at least half. I died a few times because of stupid fatigue on hitting the motherfucking D KEY FIVE FUCKING MILLION TIMES, and got to upgrade stuff... woopty fucking doo, upgrades dont change appearances or unlock moves or anything, I can't tell if they do more damage because enemies still take five hundred strikes to the face to die. I pretty much quit after hitting the stupid enemies that ignore ANY attack you land on them and now I'm going to play something better... like the ACTUAL DMC.
Oh, and when I tried to load the guy fell straight through the floor... yaay


u should rename it to "FU: unlimited issues" cause this game has many problems...
-horrible gameplay

-ripped off game(seriously...couldnt u do it less dmc like? even the weapons
are like those ingame -.- thats everything else than original)

-horrible gameplay

-too friggin hard even on the lowest game mode
-u fall through the ground if u dont do anything at the beginning of your first mission(not the tutorial)


i only gave 2 points for the mediocre music...rest sucks balls

The game I love to hate...

First of all, I'd like to state that this game could've had potential to become one of the greatest in Newgrounds, unfortunately, for us, the gamers, it was either released too soon, or not tested throughly for bugs... or not even tested at all! That being said, this game did not deserved medals, ever.

The game starts with nice, cool music, which builds up excitement and momentum... It's a shame that the same can not be said for the game play. Let me emphasize:

Right of the bat this game throws glitches at you like mad. You can't even complete the freakin' training mission without randomly going out the screen, not to mention that some of those combos are impossible to do, and on top of that, you don't even need to learn them because you don't really use them at all, all you need to do is press the attack button constantly for all enemies and that's basically it, that's the whole strategy to this game, mashing a button... Levitating while attacking is a nice addition, oh wait that's just another glitch.

So once you're out of the training mode, you get to choose your difficulty for level 1, it makes no difference what difficulty you choose, they're all incredibly hard for first timers, even on easy, and on top of that, the glitches aren't in your favor. Anyway, once you do that you're greeted by pseudo comic drawings which is supposedly the storyline whatever.

Once you get to your first enemy, it will take at least 1 minute to beat him, this is in no way an exaggeration, why in fucks name do enemies have to have such a big life bar, and it only gets worse if you choose another difficulty, for instance, if you choose the hardest setting, you can change that minute for 3 minutes PER enemy, some fun, huh? There are also other type of enemies, such as those guys with explosive hunchbacks, they're not bad, but the guys with blades for hands will make your playing experience a painful one (even more than it already is). Once you beat this crap you're greeted by a ranking system, how thoughtful!

Every two levels you get to fight bosses, the boss in level 2 is quite a challenge for beginners, level 6 boss is actually fun to play against, that's about the only thing worth playing about this game. But level 4 boss... God forbid you play this level looking for a fun fight, instead, this level will drive you insane, it takes at least 30 MINUTES to kill this beast (providing you used the fastest strategy to kill him), on the EASIEST setting without any upgrades, and may even take over an hour to kill him on the hardest difficulty without any upgrades...

Boss fights are not exempt from glitches, and they like to show it by freezing the game if you happen to defeat the boss in the left corner of the room, but level four boss takes it up a step and just freezes whenever it feels like it, and it freezes more often than not... I've been a victim of this shit, as have others, this game's glitches do not discriminate! So in conclusion, taking an hour to beat the most boring boss ever only to find that the game is frozen game is NOT FUN!

There are a variety of weapons you can use which vary from guns to swords, there is also a store to upgrade your weapons or status, but the prices are absurd. Why, upgrading your health bar to the max costs at least 106,000! considering each enemy gives you about 50 points, it's going to take a shitload of time to obtain.

Normally, I wouldn't play this atrocity more than once, but because it had medals, and I'm a medal whore, I HAD too. And I did beat it a couple of times and obtained all of the obtainable medals ( yes, even some of the medals were glitched), I shit you not, I spent over 2 days or more of game time trying to beat this shit only to find, a month later that the author removed them because he was to lazy to change three lines of code to fixed the damned thing.

This is, is a literal kick in the balls for me and my fellow stat whore comrades who had to withstand this horrid piece of garbage.

Please, test your games before releasing them to the public.

This deserves a 1/5.
