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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited Issue2"

Hard but not impossible

The game is hard but no impossible however the bomb enemies are extremely frustrating they must not explode when you killthem but other than that it's a great game.You should also make an extra difficulty a little bit easier so the game would appeal a lot more users.Keep on making games like this.


...I think the general populace has to get some skills.

1. With the normal sword, you should never see that third slash in combat. The slash that leaves you open to attack should never be seen. Try this: Slash+Slash+upslash+downslash+downsla sh+upslash+then keep spamming the slash while they're on the wall.

2. Can't beat the 1st level? On MORTAL mode? Here's a tip. SPAM THE UZI. Once the guys with the bombs on there backs come out, the sword won't work so good anymore, so just keep bashing the S button. Charge and spam the uzi throughout the rest of the fight and you'll do fine. Enemy comein' up on ya? Invadin' your personal space? Either dodge (tutorial to learn how to), or jump off the wall.

Of course, if you can't even get to the bomb guys, refer to the first line of this review.

3."...bitchin' about difficulty..."? I tire very fast when people want to take hardcore difficulty games and change them to casual. If there is a hard game, try not to let the tears stream from your eyes. Try to beat it without B., whining and moaning about how hard it is. Some games are gonna be harder than others. Deal with it.

Of course, this is typing as if you didn't run into any game ending glitches, i.e. sinking through the floor and instantly losing or game not advancing.


I'd have to say the game gets about 3.5 out of 5 from me. Not perfect, but it definitely doesn't suck.

-I actually liked the controls personally, and it gives you the option to change the controls anyway.

-News flash, this is not Devil May Cry. It's a FLASH game modelled after it. It takes some(a lot) of pointers from the game, but it's totally different. Heck, the guy said in the Author Comments that it was gonna be hard.

-I didn't really use the upgrades that much, so I can't really testify about them :P

-Not a lot out of the main game of fighting was really notable. I didn't really pay any attention to the storyline. Sorry :(

But the game was still fun (for me) and provided a challenge. For that I give it a...

3.5 OUT OF 5

(Possibly my first half grade review. I'm just gonna round it up and vote 4. Looks like you tried hard, but you can never try too hard! Unless you die. Then yea, you kinda tried too hard, lol :P)

Overly difficult... Would be fun if not so hard

I liked the previous games. They were hard, and required some questionable tactics by me to beat, but at least they were doable. Here, I've had to gimp my way through the levels... Bosses are a joke in that they kill you far too easily, though maybe it's intended since you can try each level multiple times. So far, I've absolutely had to use the cheapest tactics available to beat the bosses, and with how the boss punishes me for doing anything else, I'm not sure it isn't the "right" tactic. If it seems like no matter what cheap tactic you're using, you cannot win, you can replay earlier levels by going all the way back to the menu pressing continue, then you have a mission select screen. It would have been nice if this was a bit more accessible, but oh well.

General tips:
If you absolutely must beat the exploding guys without getting damaged (and there are no other enemy types around), use the shotgun after you charge your devil powers into it, and just start spamming. Preferably back yourself into a corner so nothing will spawn on you when something does die.

The guys with two swords can be defeated by down+attack, then rolling backwards and repeating. Timing is a bit tricky, and you need to have sufficient starting room, but works well once you have it down.

For the bosses I've encountered so far:
Magical woman: block her gun fire with your own gun. When you're read to fight, jump over her head, fire downward a few times, and start slicing until she wants to block, then roll away and start blocking her fire with your own counter-fire. Repeat until dead.

Stupid gigantic t-rex thing:
Spam down+attack through him, then roll back and spam it again. You'll get infinite devil trigger power doing this, so after a bit transform, but continue to do the same thing. If a rock is about to fall on your head, you can't move unless you press down+attack, and then you'll be fine again. This fight will take forever this way (and sadly, my game broke when I won this way... Ending condition didn't trigger, he just died and nothing happened... Now to try again).


Still needs some improvement.
First of all, the enemies have way too much life and take too long to kill.
Second, I really hated how every attack I did pushed the enemy all the way across the screen until finally the side of the screen is hiding all the action. Seriously, why would an enemy fly across the screen when I'm slashing downwards at him? This makes me feel like I'm using some sort of hammer or mace rather then a sword. Remember swords cut, they don't knock people across rooms.
Third, the combos were pretty plain, I mean, there wasn't much difference between the weapons besides speed and damage, which rather made the whole point of switching weapons rather lacking in presentation, honestly, I don't see how cutting up some guy then switching to a different weapon to use the exact same attacks (basically) can really be considered "stylish".
Fourth, there's really not a lot to pull the player in, sure it's a DMC tribute and granted you are able to pull off some pretty cool stuff, but I really doubt many people are gonna want to play onwards after the agonizingly long first level, if they manage to get through it. A certain someone's metaphor comes into play here, "If you're eating a burrito, and it taste like crap, you're not gonna keep eating it!" (Not that this is a shitty game, just needs some work)
Overall, this is a decent game. Sure it gets a bit monotonous and boring after a while... but some DMC fans will probably find joy in this, but as for us non-diehard fans, I really don't suggest this game.


I didn't recogninze it at first, but I had a clue, I was like "Wait a sec, this isnt that game where you are that guy killing demons, and the style gauge is it?" Then I played it, and was like "Yup...sure is." I was in the 1st level, and it like, lagged, to where I was slashing the crap out of stuff super fast, and nothing happened.