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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited Issue2"

More frustrating than hardcore

This game has a hell of a lot of potential, but the technical issues really held it back. Considering that this is supposed to be hardcore, the controls are absolute crap. The thing about hardcore games like the DMC series is that they can throw extremely difficult challenges at you because the controls have been tweaked and balanced to make sure that the player isn't fighting the controls, as well.
That being said, hardcore brawlers are like fighting games, except with multiple enemies at once, so targeting is especially important if there's more than one type of enemy present.
The current system is horrible. Since there are about three frames per model, I had no idea when the hell anything was going to attack, which makes dodging absolutely useless considering the about-to-kill-half-your-health-bar frame appears when enemies are fairly distant. Since next to nothing is animated, attacks simply have one gigantic hitbox for a microsecond, you don't know if you've been hit unless you get knocked down for five minutes.
On top of that, I'd have better luck hitting my keyboard with a stick, in the event that the woodiness of the controls makes it want to obey something else that feels like it was cut off of a tree.
Why can't you move and shoot at the same time? I don't need that even. Why can't you attack and turn? Whenever I failed rounding every enemy onscreen into a giant deadly clusterfuck, I would get hit from behind me while frozen in the attack frame.
Also, I struggled to do anything useful while airborne, the hit collision is bad, wall running is useless since you can jump to the ceiling faster, and the fighting space is too small. Hey, I don't care if it's Devil May Cry wrapped in fanfiction, I really wanted to enjoy this, but there are far too many issues with the most basic aspects of it.
I don't mean to knock your work, but hardcore games are rewarding because they're difficult, but ultimately rewarding because the player requires reflexes and strategy, so when you succeed, the payoff is tremendous. Thing is, though, that doesn't count for anything if this challenge is created by shoddy gameplay, so calling this game hardcore is a lie if 'strategy' is farming for upgrades or exploiting a broken system.
Props for taking on such a difficult genre and trying to convert it to flash, but as it is, it just doesn't work.



its ridiculous i have to spam like theres no tomorrow to kill anything and spend loads on upgrading weapons that dont do much and the combos that don't look different from the other attacks

i understand this is supposed to be a really hard game but thats what difficultys are for. You don't make a easy setting and make it so hard that you rip your eyeballs out. if someone wants to play on easy or normal let it be just make a hard or elite difficulty for those that can be bothered going the extra mile. otherwise people are going to go MEH and walk away cause they aren't into these HARDCORE HAX games...

it was okay but i didn't enjoy dying :/ i usually do lol
needs work but still good.

I tried i really did

I really tried giving it a chance even after reading the reviews. But honestly i thought difficulty meant you'd have to use strategy for each enemy. What difficulty means here is you die from maybe 6 or 7 hits from the first enemies you face. They have way more health than you for some reason on the lowest difficulty.

I know a couple of people have beaten the game but i just don't have the time.
Not everyone feels like spamming the same cheap attack for several minutes for each minion. I can't imagine how long the bosses must take.

Its sad because i actually wanted to read the story, but i can't get past that stupid two-swords guy. He kills a quarter of my life in one hit. What kind of generic baddy is that!?

The first games were much better than this. I hope you make another game, or just tweak the stats of this one and fix the many bugs that people have already listed.


Is best you try to play Devil may cry, cause its the same thing, but it sucks.


It's good and surprisingly addictive I'll give you that. And graphics is just beautiful. But it's repeative, very repeative. Starting out with two weapons with pretty much the same attacks is really not eye catching as well. Especially when it takes so long to beat a boss, using the same weapons over and over again with that same small amount of attacks can get boring rather quick. Though I have no idea what everyone is bi*ching about the difficulty, since I find challenging good. But the bosses HP is just ridiculous. Too ridiculous. It's just plain off the scale. The change in HP when you deal a massive long combo to the boss is just barely noticeable. Oh, and the gun's accuracy needs work. I just don't believe that all twenty of my shotgun shots can miss at pointblank.

-Lesser HP for bosses. (Just a little lesser will do)
-More attacks.
-Better variation in starting weapon.
-Better gun control.
-If possible, try making Issue3 change guns and weapons with the shift and right space buttons respectively. It makes changing weapon flow a whole lot smoother.

And I know testing this game might be hard but some of the bugs are just so obvious and irritating that I can't help but ask you to fix. For example, starting out underneath the floor everytime you load a level and minus a bar of health everytime when you hit the A key to get back up is suckish. And simetimes on a certain level, some of the weapon's attack just does't work at all. That's just a plain pain in the arse.