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Reviews for "FWG Evolution"

real nice

It was easy i guess, I made lots of money in a short time. I can't get the 1st and 2nd bugs on top of the pyramid though =\

and for anyone who's struggling or something use the toy weights and make a triangle with that and put food in the middle. That way nothing gets out and everyones happy when the bugs are in the middle. :)


I have played this game for 6 hours in a row!

I never played an online game for such a long time.
This is adictive!

Some one told ... the races and the fight could have been improved...

We`re waiting for the next one :D

Good job!

BUG,hhehe I mean GLITCH FOUND!

This glitch might not work after I talk about it due to the Master of this game.
Step1:Work up enough money to get all the toys and put them into a Triangle form.
Step2:Put one of every food type into another Triangle.
Step3: Wait till 40 days has past then wait 1 more to breed them.When the baby pops up drag it as fast as you can back and forth between the triangles.

If done right the game should freeze and then pop into the shop.Go back to your Den and see the bugs are 100 days old they never get older and there is no breeding time,or age limits.ENJOY PREMATURE BUG s going at it sickos.

Awesome game but room for improvement

I loved this conecept, I made an army of elite beetles that were the top of the pyramid and were buffed up with steroids :D
But there are a few things that I would like to see in the sequel. (what sequel? YES THERE WILL BE ONE!)
Better graphics ofc. :P sry make it more cartoony, I see ur going for the anime look. nah go for the cartoony, bold thick outlines like the newground ginger kid.
Also the interface needs doing up. More cooler, clearer stuff to do. You should be able to klik on a bug to see it's staus(not hover ur mouse over it)
try to make the interface more sims like xD
and add more items, beetles etc.
more customisable stuff!

please take all this into account for you yet to be sequl(YES THERE WILL BE ONE :P)
thanks bbz

Great game!

like always great game!
I noticed a lot of people don't like this game because they all killed their bugs
so fast...

Well here's good way to handle ur bugs :D
don't put the time to 4x! first timers play it on 1x or 2x!
then don't forget to drag ur bugs to the food :)
always have some toys
don't forget to breed and crossbreed
if u need money, u can always breed then sell ur bugs

hope this helps it's simple tips, i could give more, but i don't want
to ruin ur game experience :3