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Reviews for "Sketched - Therapy"


tommy again? that was really funny

sirjeffofshort responds:

Possibly my favorite joke in the whole thing... no lie.

Very cool.

Well animated, the jokes were delivered well, all pluses from me. Werd.

sirjeffofshort responds:

Thanks for the review man. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Amazing Short

This was the best comedic writing I've ever seen on Newgrounds. The subtle inserts and the obvious ones all came together perfectly. This concept is a heavily overdone one but the combined efforts of the voice-actors and the animator made this seem unique and completely new.

Your screenwriter is a really talented guy and the voice-acting was great. Usually there's at least one or two voice actors that are kind of mediocre but this cast was stellar. The best part was that none of you overreacted at all. It was believable and at the same time completely absurd. I loved every minute of it.

sirjeffofshort responds:

Thanks! Our voice actors never get tired of hearing how good they are, haha.


but why didn't he kick the door down? and that therapist seems like an asshole!

sirjeffofshort responds:

That therapist IS an asshole, but it's all for the patients own good.

Holy ....

I just couldn't! How... I mean what the hell? You really made me laugh like nothing other for a long time. Great art and animation too. Sound is perfect.
Full rating for you!

sirjeffofshort responds:

Wow! Speechless? Haha, I'm honored. Thanks for the review and the ratings.