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Reviews for "The Monster Art Collab"

Some nice art I see

It reminds me of the NG Sketchbook only with a theme. There was some awesome monster art I saw. Sucho's art was amazing and out of this world. FatKid's art & text made me laugh. Denzel-Crocker's art was also great and little perverted like his hentai series. Richler had some great art as well but some of them were on looseleaf and graph paper and I thought it should be on a sheet of paper. Unfortunely, there was bad art as well. Some looked like it was drawn with a mouse without a mouse pad. It looked like it was done on MS Paint. There were also monsters that were just unfunny jokes like the StrawberryClock one. That wasn't funny, it was very lame. Even for it's cons, this was still great. Overall, very creative art collab. Cool :D


I cannot really agree with VincentVanGogh about the rate of shitty drawings, but it is obvious you included some artists that have little talent. Some works are really impressing as they are either on an advanced technical level or drawn in form of dynamic sketches. But there are also somepictures, that I would have given zero points for, if they were all your collection consisted of.
I would suggest you to select a bit more critically next time ;-)


This shoulda been rated M for obvious reasons.

Other than that, the contributors shoulda been more serious. Most are pretty bad and lacking interesting description. It would be interesting if the monster are some spin off from our world myth.

Loved the depression and jealousy, emotion embodied into a physical being.

Well first of all, I think the idea of a bestiary is very great. it gives artists inspiration and game developers can look here if they need inspiration for a game and even contact the original artist. So it supports the collaboration of artists, and thats a great thing.

The design of the book and the idea of different chapters are great, too.

But there is one big negative aspect: Most of the drawings are of a very bad quality. They are doodles and I think some of the artists didnt invest a lot of time and effort in them, Some of the monsters look like some MS Paint mess wich I can do by myself, and I dont call myself an artist. (There are some quite good drawings, thought. but most of them arent very good).

So, dear d-z, If you want to make a second bestiary (wich would be great), you should be more selective and dont take every mess. YOu can make it like some sort of contest, the best 150 creatures make it into the bestiary. That would highly increase the quality of the book and also would be a better advertisement for the artist.

i dont really like it

I dont like this Collab, just because 95% of the Pictures are ugly as shit, sorry to say this that way but we all know its the truth. They look like some 9 year-olds drew them.

To the few that are not ugly the story is too long or you lost it or does not make any sense.