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Reviews for "German Xmas Market"

Liked it lots

I found animation much better than how you usually have, with smooth movements and nice timing. Simple storyline, very entertaining. Congratz.

That thing...is it a squid?

Graphics : 9,02
Sound : 9,29
Creativity : 9,88
Fun and entertainment : 9,18
Design : 9,61
note : it was watched and judged for about 40 people.All scores above are an arithmetic media(total score of a topic divided by number of people).

Wonchop responds:

Considering the numbers of fingers on a guy's hand, it's either a slightly injured squid or a heavily mutilated octopus.


Kinda nice. Love the old man!


It was interesting and funny. Nothing bad to say about this video.

i like it.

this is like the only thing youve ever made that ive enjoyed. very professional. nice work.