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Reviews for "Get Off My Planet"

Good, but Unbalanced

I really enjoyed this game, and have played it at least 4 times. However, even playing on Noob (which insults my gamer dignity), I have not been able to complete the second goal. The linear increase in damage output, matched with the geometrical cost increases of buildings, as well as the incredible damage dealt by any bombs that make it through defense makes the game incredibly difficult or perhaps impossible to defeat. Salvaging was one of the most important researches, as it doubles your bounty, and highly outstrips your income from mines in later stages.

Beautiful game, and quite fun. The regular taunts from Evillax were amusing. It would be nice to place structures on the zoomed out screen, because it feels cramped and crowded with the menus and pop-up screens.

Highly enjoyable, even if I can't even beat it on Noob.

Good, but WAY TOO HARD.

This game's fun, really. It's very addictive, and well made, but you REALLY need to work on the difficulty. Everything just ends up costing too much, and by wave 50, it is completely impossible to have enough power to keep your guns firing, and one missile getting by my defenses destroys a massive chunk of buildings. There is just no way to earn enough money to beat the game before that happens.

But even despite this, it's still very fun, and I still keep coming back for more. Good job.

A shame it's so hard

Beautiful game, great job.

...but hard one! even in noob level!
Don't even have enough time to read the description of the buildings, etc!

hahaha sweet!

i like how you can name the planet and enemy, its a great feature :)

its like gemcraft mixed with command and conquer, but so goddamn better

i have to say, great job! :D

Diminishing Returns

This game is a lot of fun, but you need to do some adjusting with the resources, it just doesn't seem possible to beat the thing! I've made it to wave 50 three times, twice on regular and once on noob, only to come to the same conclusion:

This game is a great example of the concept of Diminishing Returns. Naturally, As the game progresses, the enemies become more powerful and require better/additional weapons to defeat them. Each weapon purchased is increasingly expensive to power, and gradually becomes less effective against the constantly strengthening enemy. This fuels the need for more weapons and powerplants to compensate. In order to match the expense of building the new weapons and plants, additional mines must be built to increase income.
---THE PROBLEM---is that not only do the mines continually increase in cost, but they fail to produce income at a level that keeps pace with incurred expenses.
You end up paying WAAAY too much for things that don't give anything extra back. This goes for everything, not just mines.

1) Try giving the mines a fixed cost, like the turrets, or make them more potent. This way, the player can afford to defend AND build.
2) Do the above, but with the powerplants.
3) Fixed costs for all plants AND mines, but increasingly expensive upgrades to make them more effective.

Any of these could help, I think.

Oh, and just what the heck do the EMP things do? Lower defenses? I really can't tell if they're working or not so I don't use them.