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Reviews for "Young Lee"

Needs to be more polished and fixed

First off, there are a lot of bugs and lag in this game, which I advise you to fix. The graphics and animation are good, but I had a big problem with the sound clips and music; the music gets annoying (thank goodness for the mute button), but the sound clips are way too louder than the music and get annoying fast (too repetitive).
The gameplay could use more work. Controlling the player entirely with the mouse is a bad idea, as well as the rotating levels. See, it's hard to control your character, and the fighting is just a bunch of mouse clicking, no difficulty there. I hated the rotating levels, it was annoying as well, made it even HARDER to control the character.

It would be a lot of fun

First of all fighting with a mouse is just a terrible idea. Second of all the moves are really really boring after a while. Finally there's a serious lag problem. Overall this is just a poorly designed game. I would suggest you take more consideration the next time you design something. I couldn't play this for more than five minutes without being annoyed.


The controls is useless. Why did you choose the mouse to aim and walk?
You cant be killed exept if you realy want to die. And all the other things people already said. But graphics are ok and the concept is good. Keep trying.

Seriously fix this game.................

This game has a lot of potential but the bugs are just too many
Bugs that i found
1. Controls are awful change it so movement is controlled by arrow keys
Why because sometimes i moved move too much and I lost control of the character during a fight.
2. If the enemy went to the right I try to hit it but my character attacks could not even reach it even by trying to move to move to the right.
3. Sometimes enemy stopped coming to me and I had to restart! that happened to me twice!! and it happened to me at the city area!

So make a save system or fix that...................

the controlls suck asssssssss

wth man a rotating land???? no ability to walk with the keys u made me use the crapy controlls and all with a mouse??????????????
plus wheres the explanation on how to actually do combos all i could do is the crappy 3 punch's and randomly use kicks that suck dont hit noting and cause u to pause and wth with the retarded kung fu stance that doesnt do anything but make u pause for 5 seconds????
piece of shit make it better !!!!