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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited Arena"

I agree with Hitaro153

This actually was a ripoff from DMC completely, even the weapons and guns looked the same. Highly unoriginal and I also only played for 15 min. Try aking it like the first Fear, easier, better, funner, and cooler cuz this sucks compared to the original fear. Encon looked better before too, try using better graphics and NEATER AND COOLER ART!!!


Pointing out the horrible controls in this game doesn't make one a noob, friend. You shouldn't have to have "skills" just to turn your character to face the other damn direction.

Maybe you need to grow up, or just learn a thing or two about good game design. Making it difficult just to control your character doesn't force people to develop "skills" to play your so obviously badarse game, it makes them lose interest and find something else to waste their time on.

That's really all that needs to be said. The controls are TERRIBLE, this game is honestly impossible to play for longer than 5 minutes. Guns are useless, they don't really seem to do much damage at all and I'm not sure why you bothered with them, since it's obvious that to get anywhere you have to rely entirely on your sword, which is also pointless because you can't ever actually HIT anyone with them, instead you go running towards the edge of the screen slashing the air like an idiot even though you're trying to walk the other way.

Other than that it wasn't anything new or interesting. I've already played Devil May Cry, 1-3, so I'm a bit tired of it. But that doesn't really have anything to do with the game itself, just an opinion.

If I were you I wouldn't take FryLock's advise and simply ignore criticism, if that's the case then the games will never improve and they'll never appeal to a greater audience.


The problem with this game is that when you attack with your weapon, you should not have to constantly move forward.

Also, the guns are too weak, make them stronger and some of the enemy's should be more weaker because that Centair thing was way too strong in attack and health, it took an age for me to bring it done to one flame of health and yet I was killed in the end because it hit me with a weak attack, WEAK ATTACK!!!

Also that rating system is awfuly crual, I strung a lot of fancy moves (by fancy I'm mean Awesome, that is the best part in the whole game) on some enemys and instead of gaining rank I lost it, and that's not fair, you should not lose rank for something you have to do.

I say don't play this game, it sucks. :P


I really didn't like it at all. I mean, I only played 5 minutes worth, but it really didn't capture my interest. Sorry man.


You've just murdered Devil May Cry...

Wow. You've taken a brilliant game and crushed its good name. It really dissapoints me when i see the icon of a game and i think "Ooh, that looks good" but after around 3 minutes i think "Why did i waste my time with this?". For starters, The controls were messed up, you could only do 1 combo and the automatic weapons weren't even automatic. Secondly, A plot would be nice. What's so fun about getting thrown into a small area and constantly killing the same thing over and over again with weapons that barely do any damage?
Thirdly, It not very original. The fact that you used a character that is the mirror image of Dante except with black hair kinda put me off. Also, the shopping feature is the same and even the items you buy and use were the same as Devil May Cry.
Lastly, The game has brilliant graphic work but all that is let down by the lack of entertainment. To me, it seems like this is a rushed attempt at making a good looking game that, put simply, isnt good at all.
I cant blame you for trying though, but you need to make your own ideas. Change the character, add a storyline and dialogue, mix up the monsters you fight and not use ideas from Devil May Cry! Use these tips and you culd have a good game made.