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Reviews for "ACML III: Bliss"


I really cant judge this. Everything was smooth and pleasing for me . I loved the music at the start and middle and end, who ever wrote it is very skilled.

The starting effect ,i couldn't even believe you could do in flash.

I cant really judge 2d animation but this is a one of a kind i just had to say
I loved every part of it.

Just one thing off subject you will alway get people bitter about your animations when there far far far superior than others.

I won a contest on who could make the smoothest sphere and export it to dts format. 50 down votes bitching 3 well dose's.

I cant say much more i don't have the experience even to judge this.

Good work 5/5.

Tarienn responds:

Winterwind - Hey, first person to kindly notice my (small) contribution. Thanks for the mention. Tom Brokawwwwww


I don't even now how to describe how good that was. =]

Dude...this really spoke to me

It tells me how some people are hated and accept the fact that they just might be nothing....While other ignore it and live their lives on no matter the torture...


This collab owned my soul... need more 0_o

this was fantastic...

This entire video was just fantastic in so many ways, you let it all take care of itself.