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Reviews for "ACML III: Bliss"

Words cant describe

I can say with 100% honesty, iv never seen anything like it.
I wont lie, iv never been a fan of the whole random scene stuff, but that doesn't mean i dont appreciate it. Unless jackass Vaginator down there.
Uhm, lets see, the music choice was sweet. I did like the story you guys went with. I get where your coming form, cuz iv been there. seeing ur ex with another guy, never easy.
As for the animation..................well, there is no critique. It was awesome. You guys need to go hollywood, get a contract with some bad, do their music videos, SOMETHING. Its rare to see talent like this on N.G. It was fanstastic. Broaden your horizons, get out there, keep doen it for fun, but man you guys could be huge.

Brilliant work. Hoping to see more.

A 1, for having no taste. Yeesh cant believe that. Ppl like you man, piss me off. Ball sucker.

Great guys. Lets say a word to the reviewers.

1st of all. If you don't like the song, don't just Blam it because of your distaste for the music. I hate people that do that. Muse isn't EMO by the by. (Anything that has a shred of emotion seems to be emo to you people... I swear.)

2nd of all. Winterwind didn't write the song we animated for. He wrote the menu/ intro music.
We did credit Muse in the first scene (if you would take two seconds to look for it, its in the corner...)

If you don't like 'anime' style, I really don't want to fucking hear about it. Its how some of us draw / animate, so will you look at the animation rather than the style?

To everyone who is insulted by the overuse of nudity; grow up. It's symbolic for their spirit. Notice how the less-realistic points switch to nudity? ... No you didn't. Because all you do is watch porn, and think that's the only use for anyone being bereft of clothing.

This is not all one story, but 4 combined artists switching off scenes from their own plot. Just wanted to make that clear.

I'm disheartened by the score we got, this took aLOT of effort, but considering 80% of newgrounders are retarded, it was to be expected.

Forgive me for being angry, but can you blame me?

For those people who took the time to consider everything that went into this, just know we love you, thank you for the great reviews.

I know that you can't please everyone, but for Christ's sake...
Try animating something this good before you beat us down to make yourself feel better.

Until next time (if there is even going to be a next time for Newgrounds...)


this is perhaps the best collab i have seen in my lifew..good job dudes..


Thats such an amazing video! Dude, you even made front page!!!!! This is great cause...well, a girl just broke up with me after 5 months for no apparent reason, so....this kinda helped. THANKS!

great flash...

nut was all of the nudity really necisary?