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Reviews for "Guitar Geek"


Personaly, I'm going to hate on this just because I hate Guitar Hero and the fact you based it off it gives a 0 for originality. However, you did a good job at making it like it and is probly the best Guitar Hero remake done in flash.

There is really only one thing I would suggest, and that is customizable keys. I know you did the ASDF deal to make it like a GH controller but, I wouldnt been much happier if I could've set it to arrow keys.

Good job. 8/10

Ok this is amazing!

This, game is just flat out amazing I love it! It's an awesome game. I, would love for you to make a sequel.

Great fun!

This game was really fun to play, yes it was a ripoff, but it also had something of its own. What you could have done was to:

Add more songs.
More genres (right now you had 2, maybe 3 genres.)
and more difference between the difficulties, make the easy one THAT easy and the geek one Dragonforce hard =)

8/10 and 4/5 is a just rating.

What is up with everyone else?

A few other people see to have given this really overly low scores O.o No idea why, I'D like to see THEM program something like this. I'm a newbie to AS but I know the theory pretty through and through as I studied programming for two years as well as other things and i'm really impressed by this.

The only thing really letting it down is the visuals of the "geek", he looked pretty boring compared to the fret board and notes which were actually quite nice and yet simple.

I'm impressed, and addicted.


A good rip off of Guitar Hero.