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Reviews for "Sanctuary"

Astonishing composition. You always know how to shine, and this is certainly exceptional. Although Kajenx points out the sudden crecendos, I LOVE them, sometimes unexpected sounds, changes in key, clashing notes, etc are special, and in fact I think they add to the concept of a film score. Stories twist and turn, and things happen unexpectedly. Your track delivers well on this level, but also maintains a consistent genre throughout. Something not easy to do, as I've been getting frustrated with myself to do the same.

I think this one really shows the talent you have and the organic placment of timings is incredible, people don't play perfectly on the tempo, and by not quantizing everything you've made it sound as previously mentioned, 'live'. In my opinion this is exactly true, and it really shows the efforts put in. It makes it sound more real.

The assortment in instruments is also great, you have a lovely variety in sound, which is crystal clear and and moving. Your piece isn't just a track, it's a story, you can hear the tempo changes and adjustments when hunting them out and man they are really well done. The dynamics is also great, you can hear the velocities and volumes adjusting to really grab the sense of strings as the get louder and softer. Overall SuperSteph, you have a really amazing track here, I was going to wish you luck but frankly you don't effin need it!

Na only joking. Good luck bud! Amazing track, solid contender!

Step responds:

Man that was quick. I already got a great review from you and the song's been up for only around 2 hours. Thanks!

"Astonishing composition. You always know how to shine, and this is certainly exceptional."

Wow, thank you! Like I said in the bigass description I'm proud of the composition in general. Kajenx said the melodies might be forgettable though so I dunno if it really is up to standard.

"Although Kajenx points out the sudden crecendos, I LOVE them,"

Actually EagleGuard pointed them out :P. Well, I'm very glad you like them in any case!

"sometimes unexpected sounds, changes in key, clashing notes, etc are special, and in fact I think they add to the concept of a film score. Stories twist and turn, and things happen unexpectedly."

You won't believe how grateful I am that you think that. I'm certain that I won't ever be able to become a film scorer when I grow up but film scoring has always been something that has absolutely fascinated me and knowing that my songs might have a bit of what it takes is very comforting!

"Your track delivers well on this level, but also maintains a consistent genre throughout. Something not easy to do, as I've been getting frustrated with myself to do the same."

That's good to hear. Well... it's good to hear that the song maintains a consistent genre, not that you're getting frustrated with yourself :P. This song is quite "restless" when it comes to keeping a consistent feel, since it has so many mood changes, so I was afraid I lost the meaning and genre of the song because of this.

And you shouldn't be frustrated, you're amazing at making songs which sound consistent even if they're long. Actually, you're great at making songs, period :3.

"I think this one really shows the talent you have and the organic placment of timings is incredible, people don't play perfectly on the tempo, and by not quantizing everything you've made it sound as previously mentioned, 'live'. In my opinion this is exactly true, and it really shows the efforts put in. It makes it sound more real."

Awesome! I find that a way which helps to make orchestral songs sound more natural is to take off the "snap to grid" feature of the piano roll. That way, whenever you place a note somewhere, it won't be exactly where it's supposed to be, which is kind of like automatic humanising. Obviously you can always go a step further and add tempo/volume automations, vary the velocities, play some parts yourself with a synthesizer, etc... like I did, but I think that taking off any grid snapping helps a lot!

"The assortment in instruments is also great, you have a lovely variety in sound, which is crystal clear and and moving. Your piece isn't just a track, it's a story, you can hear the tempo changes and adjustments when hunting them out and man they are really well done."

Thanks! I really do like tempo changes, and I'm glad you think there's a variety in sound. I guess using 49 instruments helps achieve that :P.

"The dynamics is also great, you can hear the velocities and volumes adjusting to really grab the sense of strings as the get louder and softer."

I find that volume automations on strings really help increase the dynamics of a song. If you make strings get louder during a crescendo, then the crescendo feels more vibrant and powerful. If you add a soft part with strings playing in the background and automate the volume of those strings, the part just sounds so much more moving. So yeah, I'm happy you noticed the volume automation in the strings!

"Overall SuperSteph, you have a really amazing track here, I was going to wish you luck but frankly you don't effin need it!"

Well, with you taking part, of course I need it!

"Na only joking. Good luck bud! Amazing track, solid contender!"

Thanks a lot for such an awesome review. I've heard your track and it is SO good. I'll return the favour and review your track eventually!

Thanks again.

...and again.

...and again :3.

Excellent piece... Has a great style, certainly orchestral-cinematic. I love the suddenness of sections, it's not traditional, but it's beautiful. The progression and flow of the piece is excellent, near flawless. My only big issue is that the percussion is lacking... some bass drum rolls here and there would be nice, although there's a considerable amount of lighter percussion in use.

One of the things I look for in classical is an aspect of music from the Romantic era- expressing a feeling and/or telling a story. This piece does that- it's vivid, descriptive, and unique.

The initial launch around 1:00 is an excellent point, and the dissonance reminded my of some of Wagner's stuff. From then on, it traveled contemporary orchestral-cinematic with some great passages... of both great joy and sorrow, it seems. The motifs flowed efficiently and effectively between ideas, and passages seemed complete, although this piece, although so long, could be written even longer to experience some new variations of these themes.

Instruments and symbolism-wise... I am a real stickler for certain things when it comes to harps, partially because I have experienced the rants of discontented harpists and partially because I find it one of the most expressive yet most misused (at least in cinematic) instruments. You used it well here, and provided some great melodic ideas, although more expression could have been used (I honestly love low notes on Harp and Piano, they provide great backing; also, counter-melodies on harp or guitar can sound great in the right instance). You honestly invoke a lot of symbolism in your choices, whether intended or not, and I am really REALLY happy to see that. :)

The epic size of this piece is commendable alone... I have only written three or four pieces past four minutes, and none as good as this.

Regarding some ideas and feedback, one issue is dynamics. There are certain parts where a crecendo on the instruments (3:15, for example), then a decrescendo, would be nice so it completes a full motion. There's a lot of bit where more "feeling" can be added through more expressive dynamics, but you did a great job on outlining motion.

Honestly, this is one of the finest pieces I have heard in a long time, although some more mastering could have been done and some more other bits. This is definitely in the top 8. :)

Excellent job, and good luck!

Step responds:

Whoa... man this review is so detailed! Thanks a tonne! I really love getting helpful reviews.

I usually quote and respond to each part of the review but since this review is so big and I'm limited on characters I'll just have to respond the old-fashioned generic way :P.

First things first, I'm happy you think the flow was good. The fact that there's such a large number of changes in the mood and feeling made it very hard to get the transitions right and I think this is the song which gave me most trouble in transitions. You're the second to like the suddenness of certain sections so I guess that was a good call on my part, thankfully.

Regarding the percussion lacking, I didn't really want to focus much on percussion this time round. I mean, I wanted to add the occasional light percussion and cymbal rolls/gongs to pronounce certain parts in the piece but yeah I agree that percussion wasn't something too prominent in this. I thought someone would mention that, actually.

I'm also really glad you think the passages sound complete. I've had people tell me in the past that I sometimes make song sections too short.

I totally agree with you about harps by the way! They are definitely underrated. I've actually used a harp in every single orchestral submission I've done so far. None used it as prominently as this song did, but I do love the sound. East/West has a really awesome harp.

I see what you mean about adding bass notes to the harp/piano. That has always been my problem; I can never actually utilise low bass notes of those two instruments properly (mostly harp).

Also 3:15 was a bit of a moment of laziness on my part. The project file was going insane with all the instruments I was using and I didn't feel like making a proper crescendo/decrescendo since with all the lag it would take ages :P.

Overall I REALLY appreciate the massive review. Hopefully I'll make it into the Top 8, but the competition's really tough so I don't know about that!

Thanks again! I'll find the time to review you back - your submission is great :3.

amazing always u do a great job well continue doing cool song like this

Step responds:

Haha, I'll try!

Thanks for reviewing.

This was very enjoyable.

Step responds:

Thank you very much!

Beautiful song, Would do a great entry song for an action series. I could even see the hero having a long journal, then the showing of the bad guy and finally an epic battle, you got talent :)

Step responds:

Thanks, means a lot!

Glad you enjoyed it.