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Reviews for "Virtual Psychiatrist"


Do you smoke?
"Yes I am the author of the book 'Edward Wright how to smoke'"
Do you have lung cancer?
"Yes I am the author of the book 'Edward Wright how to have lung cancer'"
Wow, you have written many books.
Is it fun being a psychiatrist?
"Why is it fun being a psyciatrist?"
I asked you.
"We were discussing you, not me"
Fine, be that way.
"Why do you say that?"
Because your gay.
"I am not gay!"
Oh really?
"Take a deep breath and say something that makes more sense"
Why don't YOU take a deep breath buddy?
"Do you want me to take a deep breath buddy?"
Why yes I do, and I don't quite like your tone of voice!
"Why don't you quite like my tone of voice?"
Because it's retarded and your GAY!!!
"I am not gay!"
Yeah, because your gay and a retard!
"If I am so gay, why are you seeing me? Retard!?"
Oh no you didn't!
"You're not really talking about me, are you?"
I hate you! I want to slit your throat!
"Why do you want to slit my throat?"
Because I hate you, you retard!!!
"What do you hate about i i retard?"
That your a perverted psychiatrist!
"Do you sometimes wish you also were a perverted psychiatrist?"
EWWW!!! NO!!!
"You are being a bit negative don't you think?"
Let me think NO!!!
"You doubt you no?"
That doesn't make any sense!!!
"Why do you say that?"
"Come again?"
I want to stab you repeatedly.
"What would it mean to you if you got to stab i repeatedly?"
I would be the happiest person in the world while I watched you die slowly.
" You're not really talking about me are you?"
I want to scoop out your eyeballs with a spoon.
"Why do you want to scoop out my eyeballs with a spoon?"
So I can feed them to you.
"We were discussing you not me"

Okay, now you know how funny a long conversation with this guy can be. Try to be creative! Author: Good job, make a virtual hypnotist........ I'd love to see that from you :) Good luck


I have a knife
what do u think about knifes
i wanna stab you
i want to stab i
your gay
i know


me:do you fart in the tub?
him: i might


Me:Do you suck dicks?
Him: Yes I do suck dicks.



Me: hi
Him: Greetings! It's beautiful in Vienna this time of year.
Me: im bored
Him: Why yes, you certainly are!
Me: you have any games?
Him: Yes
Me: Can i play them?
Him: Yes, of course you can!
Me: May I?
Him: come again?
Me: May i play any games?
Him: ummmm...
Me: Well, fine then
Him: Im not sure what your talking about
Me: You have Alzheimers?
Him: No
Me: You got a smoke?
Him: We are not talking about myself, right?
Me: no
Him: youre being a bit negitive, dont you think?
Me: or your being a bit gay right now, dont you think?
Him: should i think?
Me: no $H1t (Curse word actually spelled out)
Him: You certainly feel passionate about it!
Me: bite me
Him: take a deep breath and say something with more sense
Me: ok then, ROFLCOPTER!
Him: i dont think you even know what you want

lol, if anyone else gets these responses, PM me or sumthin, just wonderin