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Reviews for "Sonic Reversal: Ep. III"

animation&fighting A+++ story's a bit rushy

i thorouly enjoyed the action and duo sprite and paint tool working together to make this, but the story just doesn't flow as smoothly and at times it was just senseless fighting with no point

don't make the same mistake most sprite series on newgrounds make-
take your time

WinterStorm responds:

The next few episodes are going to be more plot oriented, so don't worry. The fighting's not going to be anywhere near as insane, either.

That was....boring.

Sorry, but i wasnt impressed in the slightest at the fights. Its not that it was a bad flash, but the fighting was too repetitive. There were too many fights going on at once to even focus one of them at a time. I dont mind all out melees with characters doing 1v1 or 2v2 or even 3v3. But you had 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 if you understand what i am saying.

Basically i'll put it like this. Knuckles would fight shadow, get knocked into rouge who gets knocked into tails who then proceeds to fight shadow, who gets knocked back into knuckles which knocks him to rouge and then he'll start fighting rouge. Too many things going on at once made it hard to focus on one character. Dump this new style of fighting. Episode 2 was better, in my opinion.

It also kinda seemed that you spent most of your time with the fights and let the story weaken as this was basically 95% fighting and 5% story. There are enough sprite fighting movies on Newgrounds. Some that are a lot better, but there really aren't a lot of sprite movies with a strong story. Expand the story a bit more in you next episodes rather than trying to impress us with you action sequence.

Next, SOUND COMPRESSION. This flash has a very high file size for something so short. You need to seriously open this sucker up and change the settings on things, because damn.

Now, as for your twists, you categorized it wrong. it isnt a twist because...

1) You introduced metal Sonic in the same episode as you decided to link shadow and him as one. That could have been stretched out for A LOT of episodes and later come as a twist.

2) Shadow switching Sonic for metal Sonic isnt a twist. It was a trap. And an Obvious one at that. Also could have been stretched out for a few episodes.

*end Spoilers*

However, one thing i am VERY impressed with is the fact you used an animated Background. Many people who make sonic flashes tend to use backgrounds that should be animated, as a regular non static. The fact you took the effort to use something animated shows skill for detail.

Also, vary your sound effects, because they got too repetitive. Use different sound effects for different actions.


WinterStorm responds:

Quite a few things to say. First of all, I actually had thought of the idea of Metal Sonic battling Tails and Knuckles while appearing as Sonic himself, but I was too far into making the episode before I came up with that. When it comes to the sounds, I seem to have some bad luck at finding any. Feel free to help me out; I would gladly take up the offer. As for the link? You'll find out later... Now the fight scene. Yes, I admit, it was quite chaotic, but I'm going to relieve that in later episodes. Check out my BBS posts to see what I mean.

Gah... Cluster**** of action...

That was WAY too much going on at once. Upwards of 4 people beating the crap out of each other at the SAME TIME makes it impossible to focus on anyone. The best scenes had to be when they where split up going down the volcano, when the action was manageable. And to be honest it gets just a little bland. Like Metal Sonic falling off and swinging back on to the platform at least 5 times in a row, was that necessary?

Camera work is your friend, my friend. Zoom it in a little, move it about some more. And don't repeat the stock actions. Do all that and the next episode will be great. You've definitely got a skill for animating, that's not the problem.

WinterStorm responds:

Very well said and a constructive review! I know now, though, not to go too far on the balls-out action from now on.

I didn't like it.

You had some good sprite 'animation', but the rest I thought was shit. The story, the drawings, the effects, everything. You have way too many things hapenning at once. And it's just another sprite fight. Nothing more. We've all seen it done a million times. Try something more original next time, if you will.

WinterStorm responds:

GOD DAMN IT! READ MY RESPONSE TO OTHER REVIEWS BEFORE YOU SAY SHIT ABOUT THE FIGHT SCENE! I CLEARLY STATED I WOULD CHANGE IT!!! And clearly, you didn't catch the plot twist, otherwise, you wouldn't have said such a thing about it. But who knows? Maybe you did catch it, and just felt like being a dick?

Another predicatble sprite movie...

Wow, that was exactly what I expected. I had to read the boring dialogue, I had to watch sonic, tails, and knuckles sit around and talk, and all this was for nothing. There were no redeeming qualities about this sprite animation. It was just another average, boring, predictable movie.