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Reviews for "TheHeist"

Cant say it was bad.

I got to lvl 4 and quit. The only slightly difficult part was when the cops shot you, making you lose money. Even then, i still had money at the end of the mission. Unless people never realised you can slow down time with shift, they're just being stupid. The jumps under the bridges? little odd, but good. The physics in this game were pretty cool too :P Make another one of these games, but better ofc.


I love the driving aspects, but as everyone else has mentioned you should simplify the rules on why you gain or loose credits. You are supposed to hit police vehicles but every time I have, I have lost credits.

wow, it's super annoying!

Before playing this I thought there is no more annoying driveing game than the GTA1. Now I know there is one. In this game, just like in the GTA, it seems the traffic was planned to be as annoying as possible. And you managed to make an even worse traffic than the GTA had!
- How can it be, that I'm drivin' on the damn freeway, and still everyone drives as slow as a pensioner snail with a retro-rocket?!!
- Why is the traffic at night as large as at the day?!
- Why are the cops coming from the front, and not from the back?!! Now who chases who? Wouldn't they supposed the chase me?
- Somehow the traffic is only jammed at my side, never at the other - as long as I stay at the left side. As soon as I go to the right side "somehow" the opposing traffic gets denser too!
- It's really strange that by the crossings cars only come from the left, the right side is empty!
- Not only the police, even the civilien drivers hate me: they tend to switch lanes right in front of me (from an other lane to my of course!). But that's not enough: they came after me even in the green line, sometimes even to the opposing lanes!!! That's ridiculus!
- The drivers (especially the cops) are so stupid that they stay in front of me even when I fire at them!
- The civilien drivers are so stupid that they hold up even the police cars! (This one is actually not annoying, but strange and somewhat funny.)
- Now to say something positive too: at least the car is indestructable! And that kept me from smashing my keyboard in fury and giving a very low score to you. Becouse like this I could at least finish each mission, even if sometimes I lost more than half of the swag. So this was a really goo idea!
Well, so much about the traffic. Lets see the other things!
Missions: it's good that they are replayable, but usually I don't feel like replaying the last mission, I more likely move on to the next one. But sometimes it's not possible here, becouse first I need to hire two more specialists! I think the scores should have been planned so, that for each mission I can hire the needed specialist in time!
Specialists: not much to say about them.
Upgrades: they could use some descriptions. Like how much the armore upgrade prtects you, how faster you will be with the next engine upgrade, and for each weapon what they do and long you have to wait before using them again. And I think the weapons cost way too much. I could only buy the mega mines and the missiles after completing the last mission. And the most weapon suck: the oil and mines do not much good becouse they are thrown to the back, and the police comes from the front (even if they actually should come from the back). The slammer is also not too useful. The gun is ok, but it does too small damage, and I can't turn to left while fireing it (this must be some bug!). But the missiles kick ass! They can clean the road really good! When I used them I was able to keep all the swag and actually I managed to add a huge extra sum to it! Too bad it has such a horrible price I could only afford it after finishing the game!
So all in all, while the game is somewhat enjoyable, becouse you are indestructable, and so you can't lose the missions, the frustration the traffic makes, and the sum you lose while driving (even if you drive really good) are still way too huge!


dude the game is nice and all but WTF is with the payment for crashes???
i got like 0 money out of a mission that gives 80k why u ask ??? there's cars literally on every line and gigantic cops that forcibly make you push them into the other cars. on top of that each shot they take on you costs you money also ....wtf is up with that especially because they NEVER MISS i try to keep some money but NOOOOOOOOOOO i cant get a dollar because iam on a constant barrage of gun fire and pushes....sorry man the game is nice but the pay thing is DESTROYING IT


not enjoyable ;\