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Reviews for "The Assumption Song"


Nothing I haven't seen before, or done better.

assume what you want. This flash ain't funny...

not to mention the whole flash lacked some serious animation. a transparent background with everything white isn't hard to do....

Can people tell me why this animation, that would take an average animator a week to make, is above one like waterlollies in the top 50 of all time? Give me an honest in depth answer and maybe i can be persuaded to change my mind about this shit show of an animation..

Poorly put together music video.

The flash art is by no means amazing or revolutionary ... nor good. If more time had been spent on it it probably would have been much easier on the eyes. The song is what everyone is enjoying, not the flash itself.

Good choice on the song though.

nah i agree with newbies13

you didn't make that song. you just found a funny song people haven't heard before. anyone could do what you did here. there was nothing to the animation. these people are all giving 10s and credit to the Arrogant Worms, not you.

So... Annoying

Bad song...
I though putting 5/10...
But the easter eggs put it to 3/10,
I though something else when i saw this...