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Reviews for "- Paper Cranes & Lucid Dr"


Haha, I'll just drop another review on this one! :D


And for everyone that's about to vote zero, keep in mind that this is about a million times better then your own shitty song. >:D


Or4nges responds:

More crispy bacon! You sir are flattering as hell and obnoxiously hilarious xD

*Disclaimer* His 3rd paragraph is not necessarily the feelings of the author. :P

Lucid Dreams- Definetly

As for the paper cranes- I have no idea.
Definitely wanna hear this when its done, cuz' to me it sounds like mostly buildup until about 2:00, albeit awesome buildup. I could definitely fall asleep to this.
Great job, as always.

Or4nges responds:

<3 Thanks broski.

I'm at sort of a roadblock, so once I get some more inspiration here i'll finish it. And i'll definitely give you a heads up :P


Leveled and Edged

I really like this. It makes me think of the Hackers movie soundtrack in the '90s. Nine stars for nine bars instead of the usual eight ;)

Or4nges responds:

Fairest rating i've ever gotten if I do say so myself :P

Never seen that movie either, I think I have some "studying" to do.

This sounds very nice. I hope though something as epic comes ahead in the full version ...
Usually I am not a fan of "looong introduction" in tunes, but this one wasn't a constant and boring introduction. There was always a change in the pattern and new sounds from 0:00 to 0:35 (yeah I know, am exagerating calling 30 seconds too long, but it sounds long when it's just one same sound for 30 seconds, can be usually heard in most commercial tracks lately)

Looking forward to it and finally adding you to favorite artists after listening to 4 of your tracks.